Chapter 36 ~ Seventeen

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"I'm not going with anybody!" I yell at Natasha for the millionth time.

"There have to be some cute boys you can take to homecoming," Nat says, following after me as I walk away from her.

"Nope!" I walk into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of coke from the fridge and start chugging it as I lean against the counter.

"Not even Roy?" She asks.

I choke on my drink when she mentions his name and start coughing up a storm. Nat smiles as she enjoys seeing me die right in front of her.

"I'm glad... *cough*... t-that.... *cough* you enjoy... *cough*... seeing me die." I manage to get out through the coughs.

Nat rolls her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic. You only choked on soda."

"I could've died!" I yell dramatically.

"Now you're just changing the subject."

"What subject?" I ask, playing dumb.

"Asking Roy to hoco." I blush at the thought of it. I try to hide it, but Nat sees it anyway. "You like him, don't you?"

"We're just friends, Nat," I tell her. "And I'm not asking him to hoco."

"What if he asks you?"

I scoff. "Yeah, like he'll ever ask me."

Nat shrugs. "He will. Just watch." She says as I grab my backpack and she walks me to the elevator.

"Bet he won't."


'Will you do me the honor and run away to hoco with me?' Is what the poster in front of me says.

Roy looks at me expectantly with a shy grin on his face. I stare in complete utter shock with my jaw drops. Peter nudges me, snapping me out of my trance and I regain my composure.

"I know it's super late, like really late, but will you?" Roy asks.

"Yes!" I jump up excitedly and wrap my arms around him, but also making sure I don't ruin the poster. Everyone around us cheers. Peter, Ned, and MJ being the loudest out of everyone.

We all sit back down and enjoy the rest of our lunch.

I nudge Peter, getting his attention. "When are you gonna ask someone to hoco?" I ask him and nod my head towards MJ since she's not looking.

Peter shakes his head and drops his voice to a whisper. "I don't think she likes me. Plus she said she's not going, said something about 'it's just people grinding on each other for three hours and that it'll be lame."

"That's the best part about hoco actually." I chuckle. "You watch all the sluts and cringy ass dancing. Maybe even record it to expose some people."

Peter laughs. "Ned and I will keep that in mind tonight. Right Ned?" Peter turns to his best friend.

"Mmm?" Ned says, looking up with a mouth full of food. "Yeah, yeah." He nods. I'm pretty sure he had no idea what Peter just said.

The rest of the day goes by really slow as usual. Sometimes I would catch Roy sneaking glances at me in the corner of my eyes, but it's probably just my eyes messing with me. I was dreading to go back to the compound because then that meant I had to tell Natasha she was right, which I don't want to admit!

Once school is over I say goodbye to everyone, even though I'm gonna see them later tonight at the dance... well except MJ of course. When I arrive at the compound, I find Natasha waiting in my room sitting on the edge of my bed.

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