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It's all I have been doing for the last several years. I miss the easy days of having a warm and loving family where there was always warm food on the table and two parents with happy smiles on their face. That all changed on the day that I first shifted. Why? Because when I shifted I wasn't a werewolf, I shifted into a lycan. My parents were mates and even so my father was convinced my mother cheated on him since they are both werewolves so a lycan daughter shouldn't be possible. For that he rejected her and left both of us. His last words to me before he slammed the door in my face was that he wished I was never born. My mom begged and pleaded for him to stay, claiming she never cheated but he didn't listen. She claimed she was loyal till the day she died which wasn't even a year later. She loved my father deeply and couldn't take to the rejection. At age 14 I had a loving home and wonderful parents without a care in the world, but my 15th birthday was spent parent-less and alone trying to figure out how to feed myself.

Once I shifted for the first time my true power came out, I was born a lycan, but I was also born an alpha. To be an alpha you were born with it or you are mated into it. The easiest way to distinguish if someone is an alpha is that the alpha voice from their own pack has no power over them, this is essentially because when they shift for the first time and get their alpha powers they instantly become their own pack. This is tolerated for the children of alphas since they are assumed to take over the pack some day, but I was not the daughter of an alpha, I just a daughter of a gamma. I was of course introduced to the alpha's son but I was not his mate so as soon as my mother passed I was kicked out of the pack, I was a threat to their future alpha, I had the power to some day challenge the alpha for his pack. I didn't blame them, I was more violent, my beast in me was always trying to give in to darker urges and it didn't help that I was faster and stronger than everyone else. They were right to fear me, sometimes I feared myself.

Lycans are extremely rare. I don't know anyone else that is a lycan, so there was no one to teach me how to control, how to handle everything, and anyone that found out would just end up afraid of me or try to kill me. It's a kill or be killed world, and if you are seen as a threat, then they try to take you out first before you can take them out. Every new place I had been I would be ok for a bit. Not everyone could tell I was an alpha when they met me, and because I was an alpha I didn't smell dirty like a rogue did because I belonged to a pack... just a pack of one. I would claim that I am traveling trying to find my future mate which though I wasn't, it was a convenient excuse to be allowed to cross pack lines and stay in a place for awhile. I had to be careful to not show my lycan form, because once they found out they feared me and would kick me out.

I wasn't unattractive so there were times when another would pursue me. It wasn't unheard of for wolves to not ever find their true goddess given mates so it was common for wolves to have chosen mates, either for pack alliances, love, or just because they liked how strong or good looking another was and they wanted pups with that individual, and it didn't always matter if the individual wanted them back. I, of course, didn't want them back and they didn't like it when I denied them. Twice stupid fools tried to force themselves on me, and my beast took over, those two fools are no longer breathing, and this is why I run. The first fool was a rouge so no one really noticed when he was gone, the second fool was an alpha and I have been running ever since. For six years now I have been running from a pack that wants vengeance for their alpha. I tried to explain what happened but it didn't matter to them, I was in the wrong, not the alpha that tried to rape an 18 year old unmated female. I didn't mean to kill him or the other guy, my beast just wanted to protect me, and honestly with claws as large as mine, plus my speed, it only took seconds to happen.

Four years ago life became more tolerable, that's when I found Anna, a feisty long raven haired female that I have come to think of like my sister. In her pack her alpha wanted her when she turned 18 even though she wasn't his mate. From what she had said he was a cruel alpha and didn't care what her wants were so her parents ran from their pack with her. It worked for a bit, but the pack eventually found them and in that process her parents were killed. Luckily, she slipped away and that's when she met me. Her pursuers were not far behind when she ran through a small town asking anyone that would listen to help her and hide her. I heard her tell one guy that the alpha wanted her but she didn't want him, the guy blanched at that point. No one wants to take on alphas. I however didn't have any qualms going against and alpha given my past so I grabbed her hand and we ran. She was hesitant to get me involved since I was female, but I ran us out to a secluded forest knowing they would track her scent. I was already planning on leaving this town soon anyways so why not help another female in need. Once they found us I slaughtered all of them, which apparently included the alpha, I assumed I was just killing off his trackers... For an alpha he didn't put up much of a fight. I knew him being an alpha would be a problem since packs seem to care when you kill their alpha, even if they are creeps... but hey what's one more pack to run from anyways.

I figured once Anna saw my true form when I slaughtered the men she would run away scared, but at least then the alpha's pack wouldn't come after her. Instead she smiled and took my hand, while I was still in lycan form, and told me thank you. Since that day we have never been apart and now when I run, we run together. I now have a second member in my pack, my beta. In our travels we confided in each other, there was not a secret that the other didn't already know. She helps keep my lycan secret and I keep us safe from anyone that tries to get rough. She is the beauty and I her beast, as long as we are together we will be fine.

Together we have an easier time crossing pack borders, its less suspicious seeing two unmated females on a journey to find their mates together, and we are usually welcomed very quickly. Sometimes word gets around to the town or pack we are in that pack authorities are looking for a werewolf and a lycan female, so when we start hearing that we move on. And that's where we find ourselves now, looking for a new place to call our temporary home. Hopefully someplace we can call home for the winter, it's a pain to travel in the winter so if we can keep our secret and our identities safe it would be good to find a place we couple settle in for a few months. The leaves have long changed and started falling, its only a matter of time before the first snowfall hits. 

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