Chapter 1

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He had two things on his mind: leftover pizza and the fact that he was seriously late for school. It was the third time that week, and it didn’t help that Mikey didn’t have great grades either. Honestly, he was surprised that he hadn't been condemned to a life of community service or something instead of school by now. As he snatched up his backpack from the faux leather couch in the living room, he managed to steal a fridge-cold slice of pepperoni pizza. With the pizza hanging out of his mouth and his shoe half on, he rushed out the garage door. His older brother, Raph, was waiting for him impatiently on his black BMW. He rolled his eyes as soon as Mikey emerged from the shadows.
“Put your shoes on right, and get that helmet.”
He gestured towards a motorcycle helmet identical to the one he was wearing as he pulled down the face shield, masking his face in its reflective blue-tint. Mikey did as he was told, despite a low growl of protest. He hopped on, hooking his arms around his older brother's waist as the motorcycle rumbled to life and took off. The ride only lasted five minutes but it didn't make them any less late to class. Mikey knew he’d never hear the end of it from his older brothers since it was his fault they were late. His eldest brother, Leo, and immediate older brother, Donnie, had gotten to school well on time in their dad's Jeep. Which wasn't surprising, they were usually on time for everything. Only ‘usually’ because the times they were late, Mikey was with them. At least that's what they said.
Parting ways with Raph, he hurried through the vacant hallways to his first class.
“You're late again Michelangelo, ” the teacher said without even looking up from the board as he walked in.
“Sorry miss.” He sat down sheepishly behind his friend, Shinigami, as the teacher turned to him.
“See me after class.”
Mikey sighed as she continued the lesson. He wasn't really paying attention to anything she was saying. Shini shot him a smile and playfully rolled her eyes. Mikey mimicked her and stuck his tongue out. He turned awkwardly as the kid sitting to his right cleared his throat to get Mikey’s attention. The kid leaned over slowly.
“Mikey Hamato, right?”
Mikey nodded. “That’d be me.”
“Bradford and Xever have been talking about messing with your brothers,” he paused, looking like he was making sure no one was listening.
“Said they’d jump one of you or something.”
Mikey stared at him a second before chuckling. “Against my brothers, they don’t stand a chance.”
The kid shrugged. “But what about you?”
“Ouch. Are you saying I’m weak?”
“ No, I just mean you’re younger.”
Mikey thought about it for a second.
“Good point. But if it’s just the two, I think I can handle it.”
“I don’t know. They play dirty, real dirty.”
A girl to Mikey’s other side, who’d apparently been eavesdropping, leaned over as well.
“Are you really an Hamato?” She questioned.
Mikey grinned.
“In the flesh.”
“Isn’t your dad rich or something?”
“Or something,” Shini answered for him, stealing a glance behind her.
“And your brothers are tough, huh?”
Mikey snorted. He didn’t necessarily see them as ‘tough’. 
“I guess.”
“Not to him, ” Shini corrected.
The girl sat back upright in her chair, seemingly satisfied with the answers she got. The kid to his right shot her a dirty look then moved his eyes back to Mikey.
“I’m Mondo by the way,” the kid said.
The teacher said something about group work as Shini turned around her chair to face them. They talked for the rest of the class not really paying attention to anything going on around them, which Mikey slightly regretted when the bell rang and he nearly fell out of his chair. Shini snorted as she tried to fight back her laughter. 
“Oh shut it.”
With a grunt, he pulled himself off the chair and grabbed his bag. He waved to Shini and Mondo as he slowly made his way to the teacher’s desk. She looked up at him with a frown.
“Michelangelo. You can't keep getting to class so late, and on top of that, you don't pay an ounce of attention when I’m teaching.”
“I do pay some attention, ” he tried, defending himself.
She sighed deeply. 
“Look, Mikey, you can talk to me if something is going on at home and we can work something out,  I just don't want to see you fail.”
Mikey looked to the floor. “I'm sorry, I'll try to be earlier, and I'll start paying more attention.”
She didn't look very satisfied but she nodded, dismissing him. Mikey left her room, heading in the direction of his second period. 
His next two classes seemed to pass by in a blur, and before he knew it, his third-period teacher had told the class to pack up and go enjoy lunch. As the bell rang, everyone crowded into the hallway, most walking towards the cafeteria, which was where Mikey was going. Or trying to at least.
“Hey, hey, look who it is,” a voice cackled right in his ear. 
Mikey jerked to the side. 
“Bradford...” He hissed through his clenched teeth.
The guy was definitely older and well built, maybe even more than Raph. Behind him was a slimmer guy in an expensive-looking black leather jacket who was grinning maliciously. “So, we heard you’re the youngest Hamato.”
“Yeah, so?”
“You’re a perfect way for us to get to your brothers.”
 “You’re disgusting.” Mikey spat.
“Oh, you’re a tough guy then, eh?”
“Hardly,” Mikey responded, rolling his eyes.
Bradford grinned. “Well, I guess we’re about to find out.”
“Don’t worry though, my friend Xever here will take you first.”
Before Mikey could respond, the leather jacket guy threw a quick punch to his face, shoving him back against the wall. Everyone who was still in the hallway had already turned their way, watching the fight unfurl before them.
Mikey jumped back up, undeterred by the punch that left thick blood down his face and shirt. The guy thrust his fist forward to land another hit, but Mikey had his head in the game now. He froze for a split second before his body reacted automatically, bending down to dodge the fist and then punching Jayme's square in the jaw instead. It was as if Mikey's body was doing the thinking for him and he had no control. Like he actually knew what he was doing, which he kind of did. His dad had taught him and his brother's martial arts and boxing over the years. It came naturally to Mikey, which was lucky since he didn’t practice nearly as much as Raph and Leo, even Donnie, and he was more brains than he was muscle. 
As Xever whirled to punch back, Mikey grabbed his arm and, using the momentum of his body, rammed Xever into the wall, then shoved him down on the floor. He leaped back up to tackle Mikey, but Mikey was quicker, slamming his head forcefully into the wall. Xever sank back down to the floor holding his head in between his hands with a groan. Mikey wiped some of the blood from his face, noticing that there was also blood on that expensive leather jacket that was now loosely around the guy's shoulders. What a shame. His breath was still coming in short huffs from the adrenaline, but it hitched when he noticed Bradford towering over him with a sick look on his face. Just as Bradford cracked his knuckles, ready to thrust his fist into Mikey's gut, several teachers and security guards barged into the fight. After a couple of minutes, the three of them were sent to the office, escorted by two stone-faced security guards. Mikey kept his head down the whole way, avoiding the curious stares from everyone they passed. They were all seated in the principal's office as the secretary proceeded to call each of their parents, starting with Mikey.
“He’s not gonna answer.”
She gave out an exasperated sigh and called anyway, and just as he said, she was sent to voicemail. Her lips curved down in a frustrated frown and she continued with Bradford’s parents. They picked up and as she began explaining the situation into the phone, he could hear the gruff voice of a man shouting. Beside Mikey, Bradford flinched ever so slightly, but enough for Mikey to catch it. Next, she called for Xever, though you couldn’t really hear much of the conversation on the other side. She put the phone back on the receiver and looked at each of them with a stern expression.
“What do you have to say for yourselves?”
No one responded for a second until Mikey piped up.
This seemed to send the already irritated secretary over the edge. She stared Mikey straight in the eyes and in a voice trembling with rage said, “Hamato. Thank you for the smart remark. You are now suspended until further notice. Go wait in the front, I will call one of your brothers in to take you home.”
Mikey pursed his lips to keep from smirking as he left the small office and took a seat on the chair across from the school secretary desk.
It seemed like he was there an eternity before the office doors finally opened and Mikey’s oldest brother walked in. 
“Yeah?” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
He was expecting a huge lecture, but to his surprise, Leo sighed and motioned for Mikey to follow.
“Let’s go.”
Mikey followed Leo silently to the silver Jeep. They got in and Leo started the car, still not saying anything. Mikey couldn’t stand it.
“Look, I know I messed up, but I just-”
Leo held up his hand signaling him to shut up. 
“I don’t care right now, let’s just get you home and cleaned up before dad gets back.”
Mikey nodded and turned to look out the window, watching the buildings go by, mapping the streets in his mind as they got closer to the house.
“Do Raph and Donnie know?”
“No, are you kidding, they’d flip out, especially Raph.”
Mikey slumped in his seat. “Great, now I have to see them when they find out.”
Leo rolled his eyes as he pulled the Jeep into the garage. They both entered the house and Leo helped Mikey clean the blood that was now on his face, shirt, and hands. When he was done, he grabbed his keys and backpack that he’d deposited on the couch ten minutes before.
“I’ll be home when school’s out, don’t leave the house.”
Mikey stuck his tongue out at his brother as he opened the garage door. In response, he received a threatening glare.
“Alright, alright!”
Mikey waved, watching as the Jeep pulled out of the driveway and disappeared. He gave out a sigh and walked back inside. He practically ran to his room and plopped down on his bed. He closed his eyes, reliving the fight and every moment after in his head. He couldn't help but beat himself up for his big mouth though.
If he hadn’t made that stupid remark, maybe he wouldn’t have gotten suspended. The fight had just been self-defense after all. He turned onto his side, wondering how his dad was going to react. He was definitely gonna be pissed.

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