Chapter 2

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He stayed curled on his bed, lost in thought, for who knows how long. Hours maybe. A knock on his door finally jolted him out of his daze and he peered down to his watch that read 7:36.
Mikey dragged himself out of the bed, not feeling so great. He opened his door and was met with the serious faces of his three older brothers. He groaned, already knowing he was about to get in major trouble.
"We need to talk," Raph said, his voice itself sending chills down Mikey's spine.
He followed his brothers to the living room where his dad was patiently waiting. He appeared calm at first glance, but as Mikey got closer his clenched fists and tapping foot definitely said otherwise.
"Yes, dad?"
His father sighed deeply before continuing.
"Answer me this, why did you get into a fight?"
Raph's face paled, obviously he hadn't known what had really happened. "He what?"
Donnie quickly shut Raph up before he started something.
He fiddled with the bottom of his shirt, twisting it and untwisting it.
"He punched me first, I was just trying to defend myself."
His father's expression didn't budge.
"You gave the boy a concussion, minor, but still."
"They started punching me, I wasn't-"
"You also disrespected your superior."
"...I'm sorry."
He shook his head disapprovingly. "You are not to leave this house at all until your suspension is lifted, am I clear?"
"Am I clear?" His voice rose dangerously.
"Yes, dad."
"Now go."
Mikey turned and made his way back to his room where he locked his door and fell face-first into his pillow. It wasn't his fault, he couldn't have avoided that fight. There was no way he was going to let them use him as a punching bag. Plus he was also standing up for his brothers. They should be grateful. And anyways, Raph got into fights a lot too. How come he didn't get yelled at?
Mikey huffed and lifted his head so his chin was resting on his pillow as he stared at his headboard. Another knock sounded at his door but he didn't bother getting up this time.
"Dinner's ready," Donnie said from behind the door.
"I'm not hungry."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." Anger was blossoming inside him now.
Mikey listened as the footsteps retreated, presumably back to the kitchen. The truth was, Mikey was hungry. Really hungry. But he'd rather starve than face his family at the moment. He'd get something to eat later.
He was about to roll over onto his back when a buzzing brought his attention to his desk where he'd left his phone. He got up and slid his phone off the desk as he sat down on the end of his bed. He opened it and saw he had several texts from Shini.
7:59- Hey.
8:02- Could you meet me at Park Street by that abandoned restaurant ASAP?
8:05- It's important.
Mikey quickly responded with a yes. A friend needed him and there was no way he was going to do nothing. He was sneaking out tonight and there was nothing his family could do about it. Mikey tucked his phone into his back pocket and pulled on a black hoodie, then skillfully removed the screen from his window, trying to make the least amount of noise he could. When he'd made it out, he replaced the screen and began to run down the road. Park Street was very close in a car, but he'd have to rush if he wanted to get there on foot in a couple of minutes. He slowed to a jog as he neared the restaurant. He didn't see Shini anywhere.
"Shini?" He called, uncertainly.
"You actually showed..."
That was definitely not Shini's voice. Mikey spun around, and even though it was dark, he could still make out who it was. Bradford. And next to him, holding Shini by the wrist, was Xever. Their names were embedded into his head. Mondo was right about one thing, they played dirty. As Mikey took a threatening step forward, more people materialized from the shadows. There were about four other people. He only recognized one of them, it was the girl from the first period.
"Let her go," Mikey demanded.
Bradford smirked and nodded at Xever who released Shini. She glanced at him with a somewhat guilty look as she walked away.
"Wow, what a friend," Bradford mused.
Mikey kept a straight face, hoping that Shini had just gone to get help.
"Now, why don't we get a little payback. What do you say, Xever?"
Xever snorted. "Is that even a question?"
Mikey gulped. He was outnumbered and so screwed.
Bradford's smirk turned into a glare as he and two others grabbed him forcefully and pulled him into a dead-end alley. How great.
Xever suddenly moved towards him in a rapid movement, grabbing his arms roughly, and slamming him against the brick wall. Much harder than Mikey had, a few hours prior, he noted. Mikey's head pounded with splitting pain at the impact. His head lolled to the side and he saw everyone else just standing there, watching.
"Payback," Xever rasped into his ear.
Mikey tried to say something but all that left his mouth was a strange guttural sound. Xever paused, giving Mikey an odd look. Was he hesitating? Mikey would have found it funny if he wasn't pinned to the wall with his head spinning. He was too dizzy to even properly struggle free from Xever's grasp, so trying to break loose was pointless as he was stronger at the moment. There was something he could do actually, but it probably wouldn't work. Then again, he had nothing to lose but his life. With all the energy he could muster, Mikey kicked upwards between his legs. It must have been pretty hard because Xever doubled over, and he didn't really seem like a wimpy type. Mikey tried to make a run for it but of course, he hadn't thought through this plan very well since he was quickly stopped by one of the five other people blocking his exit. Mikey was jerked back violently by the hood of his jacket, causing him to fall. He sputtered inaudible words as the person grabbed him in a headlock, choking him. Mikey wheezed, barely able to see anything as his vision was clouded with black spots. His head was throbbing even more now from the lack of oxygen but he willed himself to keep fighting. He thrashed wildly, pushing his feet off the pavement in an attempt to shove the person back, but they didn't budge.
It was as if everything was happening in slow motion. He felt himself being dropped and all he could see was the floor as he collapsed, gasping for precious air as he lay sprawled on the concrete. But before he could catch his breath, someone heaved him up by the arm, half dragging him towards a blue structure that appeared as a blur of dull color in the corner of his eye. But they never made it any further.

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