Chapter Five

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The school bell rang, finally dismissing all of us for the weekend. Students clustered into the halls making their way towards the front exit, with excitement for the weekend circling in the air.

I had just made it outside when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. Pulling it out, I was shocked to see a message from Blaze.

Have any plans for this afternoon?

A big grin appeared on my face and I smiled the entire way to my car. Once I had jumped into the drivers seat, I sat and tried to think of something flirty to respond with.

Blaze and I had been texting back and forth ever since I had met him that night with Maria. He was crazily flirtatious and it always seemed to make a blush tint my cheeks.

Not at the moment but that can be changed. What about you?

I sat staring at my phone, anxiously waiting for his reply. My nails were basically nonexistent at this point from all the messaging we had been doing.

I was thinking of inviting a seriously hot girl over.

My heart started to pound in my chest.

Oh, really? And who might this "hot" girl be?

I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth.

You silly! Come over ;)

With that I sent a quick text to my mom and put the car in drive.

Blaze didn't live but five minutes from the school so I arrived way quicker than my stomach was ready for.

He waved at me from the front porch as I put my car in park. Slipping the lanyard with my keys on it over my head, I gracefully got out of my car and made my way towards him.

Once I had climbed the three little stairs to the porch, Blaze came over and hugged me. An instant blush washed over me.

"How was school?" He motioned for me to sit down in the white rocking chair horizontal to his own.

I laughed.

"Boring and lame, as usual. I'm so ready to graduate. How was your day?" I leaned back and crossed my legs. Somehow I was slowly getting more comfortable around this highly attractive male.

Blaze went on to describe his day. How he had played video games and cleaned a little. He lit himself a cigarette mid conversation, keeping the topic light hearted.

He must've noticed me eyeing his cigarette because he held it out towards me.

"Want a puff?" I took it and inhaled slowly.

When I was a preteen, I would steal my moms cigarettes and smoke them but they weren't near as satisfying as sharing one with Blaze.

I passed it back to him and we smiled at each other. His beautiful eyes passed over me and I noticed him start to get serious.

"What is it?" His instant change in mood made me nervous and I pulled in my bottom lip, waiting for his response. He noticed this and quickly inhaled.

"Dane, it's quite obvious I'm attracted to you..." he paused mid sentence, still looking at me.

"But I don't know if  I'm completely ready for a relationship right now."  Knowing my hormonal emotions were trying to surface, I quickly pushed them down deep inside.

I laughed, trying to keep the mood lighter than it actually felt.

"Oh Blaze, don't worry. I'm not trying to rush you into anything. Just being friends is completely fine with me." His smile caused me to smile right back at him.

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