Chapter Seven

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The day seemed to drag by as Trina lit up yet another blunt for the three of us to pass around. Music was playing softly in the background and we all listened to it, just soaking in the peacefulness of the moment.

Throughout the earlier days of the week, we had made several trips to and from my house back to theirs, moving my stuff. I had tried to take as little things as I could but still ended up with my t.v., Xbox, and enough clothes to not have to borrow anymore from El as well as all of my makeup.

I was content with what was here with me and grateful for the fact that if I ever needed anything, I could just head to my mom's and get it. Mid thought, El randomly decided to break our prolonged silence.

"We should go to a club." My hazy eyes drifted towards her and I raised an eyebrow.

"When?" Eloise's smile slowly started to widen until it was a massive grin that stretched almost from ear to ear. She peaked at her phone and counted on her fingers.

"In about two hours if the two of you get up off of your lazy asses and get ready!" With that she jumped up, turning the music up to a ridiculous level and brought all of her makeup to the table Trina and I were still seated at.

I laughed at her spontaneousness and followed her lead. Once all of our makeup was strewn all over the table, we readily got to work. Puffing from a cigarette in one hand and applying primer and fountain with the other, I finished my base makeup and proudly smiled at my handiwork.

My face had a beautiful glow to it with the minimal highlighter I had applied and my contour was subtle enough that under the club lights, I would look stunning. I filled in my eyebrows quickly with expert precision and then moved onto eyeshadow.

I knew that I would have to be the designated driver being only eighteen, so I decided to lean towards the natural look. Once everything was finished and approved by El, I went off to change into a different outfit.

My feet almost slipped out from under me while I was tugging up the ripped skinny jeans and I let out a silly laugh. After my shirt was tugged over my head and I brushed out my long hair, I smiled at myself in the mirror.

My eyeshadow held a light brown and pink in the crease with small beautiful wings framing my eyes, topped off with mascara and natural falsies. The shirt I had chosen was loose but to counteract that I tucked it into the front of my high waisted, distressed, skinny jeans. I looked simple yet beautiful and slid on my trusty vans.

I walked out of my room and joined Trina at the table who had simply changed her clothes, and lit myself another cigarette.

"I can't believe we're doing this." Not necessarily talking to Trina but just putting the thought out there. She replied to me regardless.

"You know enough about El by now to know that usually, what she says goes. Besides Dane, it'll be fun." She practically waved off my worry and looked over her shoulder towards their shared bedroom.

"Hurry up El! We've only got an hour to get there and we live 45 minutes away!" With that El scrambled to gather her items that she would need for the trip and stopped at the table.

"You got our charging cord?"

"Yes." Trina stood to grab the keys.

"The car keys?"

"Yesss." I could tell Trina was starting to get a little annoyed.

"I thought I was driving?" I awkwardly stood there, purse in hand.

El shook her head and looped her arm though mine, leading us out the door and to their car.

"Tonight Trina is DD and we are gonna have the time of our lives!" I laughed at her enthusiasm but didn't argue with her. There was a possibility that I could have the time of my life and I wasn't going to pass it up.

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