Louis' Heaven

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"Welcome, Louis." an overpowering voice called out as Louis opened his  eyes. 

Louis was on his knees, dessed in black. He couldn't quite make out where he was for a moment, until the shine from the golden gate and the heavy wings hanging from his shoulders gave it away. 

"Hello." Louis grunted, trying to lift his wings onto to his back, "Um, why are my wings so heavy?"

"That means you are holding onto something that is weighing you down." the voice answered, opening the gates, "If you come in they should lighten up. Are you ready?" 

Louis thought for a minute. Heaven sounded nice, and everyone has their own perfect heaven. As he looked inside the gates it looked almost perfect, but there was one thing missing. 

"Is this all I get?" he asked, not sure he wanted to go through. 

"Isn't this everything you wanted?" the voice asked, confused. 

"Not everything..." Louis sighed. 

"I know it wasn't your time," the voice tried to comfort, "but I tried to give you everything I was capable of at this point. Your family is not ready to join you yet, so there is nothing more you want that I can give you. I'm sorry." 

"...I figured." Louis sighed again, trying not to cry. 

"Okay," the voice permitted, "what more can I grant you?"

"Harry..." Louis whispered. 


"...I wont be happy until I can have Harry." Louis whinnied. 

The white light, that had been accepting and comforting before, became blinding and painful.

"You know I can't do that!" the voice roared, slamming the gate, "That type of thing is not accepted here! If that is what you wish then you are no longer--" 

"Please!" Louis begged, "I need him to be happy. I've never done anything worth going to hell for! I love Harry and loving someone is not a sin! Besides, I thought you were supposed to forgive our sins? Even if love was a sin, can't you forgive me?" 

"Louis you know I can't--" 

"No!" Louis begged, tears falling from his eyes, "I need Harry! What is so wrong with the two of us together? Is it because we are both guys? Because we have penises? Give me a vagina then, because I need Harry!"

"Louis stop..." the voice hushed, lowering the light.

"What?" Louis sassed, "That's the reason you won't let him here right? You want us to go to hell because we're gay right?" 

"...I think homosexual is the proper term." the voice calmed. 

"What?" Louis asked, confused. 

"Gay is such a bad term," the voice continued, "homosexual is the correct term. Am I right?" 

"Yeah," Louis answered, unsure of what he was hearing, "but I thought you hated--" 

"Louis if I hated it, why would I have given people free will?" the voice asked. 


"Free will. The ability to love who you love." the voice continued, "I don't hate it. You can love who you love. That is why I made every person special. It is society that hates it and they think I hate it. Little do they know, I gave them the free will to hate it and you the free will to be gay. I don't care. You love who you love." 

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