Fucking Dick!

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Young Mi's Point Of View

On the board, Mr. Lee wrote Job Shadowing then turned to the class, "Taking an interest in your future will help motivate you in your studies." He raised a stack of papers in the air, "These are your future dream job surveys, but they are a mess." He began to read them out one by one out to the class.

"Kim Soo-Geun wants to be a member of the national assembly. He wrote that it was because it looks like they just hand out all day." The teacher sighed as I bit back a smile. "Next Oh Ji-Na. Why did you write so much? Teacher, nurse, social worker, policewoman, chef, psychologist. Are you really going to do all of this?"

Ji-Na smiled nervously, "Well I want to do something to help people, but I haven't decided yet."

"You're full of dreams aren't you," He asked making my sister nod, "But before helping others, shouldn't you help your own grades? Next it Guem Soo-Ji, Paris Hilton?" He said surprised.

"Yes, just like Paris Hilton I want to inherit lots of money, make my own businesses, and buy lots of brand-name stuff." She smiled proudly.

"Your father really must hate having to work hard just for your silly dreams. Na Na-Ri you said you wanted to be a pretty older woman who buys dinner for her boyfriend. Ugh anyway, Ahn Mi-Nam, you said the winner of High School Rapper Three?"

Mi-Nam nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, I want to become a rapper, the most popular profession these days. I want to do a collaboration with AOA! Drop the beat, let's get it! Yeah let me introduce myself I'm Ahn Mi-Nam, and I'm in high schooler. I say High, you say schooler. High!"




Mr. Lee placed down the papers and rolled up his sleeves, "Listen up, this is how you rap." He began by saying three words and repeating them randomly while making funny moves. I couldn't hold in my laughs and snorted holding my stomach. "Moving on, Seo Ro-bin, why didn't you write anything?"

"I don't have a dream, "He said simply.

"You should be dreaming big at your age! Submit a new one to me next class." The teacher said pointing at him, then looked at the next papers. "Ah this is a good one, as expected from class president. Go on and tell the class."

Class president stood up, "I wrote that I want to be a civil worker. I want to get into Hankuk University's economics major, and become the youngest to pass the civil service exam in my first year. I want to become a rank five civil worker and help out our nation." He smiled and sat down after bowing.

"Okay, Oh Young Mi, since yours is good to tell the class what you wrote." I got up slowly and smiled nervously.

"Teacher I actually don't feel too good, can I go to the nurse,"I asked, he shook his head, "Ah fine. I wrote that I want to become a therapist, for all kinds of people. Families, couples, to kids with disorders. Growing up I didn't have many people to talk to, so I want to be that kind of person. Someone to help you and guide you as well as be your friend in the process." I sat down shortly after.

Mr. Lee nodded, "You need to make a solid plan for your future dreams like these two. For the next part you'll be asked to visit your parents at work. In a group of seven, then you'll submit the report."

On the next class we worked on the form, Ro-bin Mi-Nam, Rok-Hee, Bo-ra, Shin-Ae, my sister and I sat in a circle, "You better cooperate, since we're being graded as a group, Ro-bin." Bo-Ra said crossing her arms.

"Just do whatever you want and I'll follow along." He said. Rok-Hee then asked to which parents work we would go. Mi-Nam said it would be boring at his parents restaurant, so that's out, Mi-Nam asked Ro-bin what his parents did, "Doctors , but they went abroad to do charity work."

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