A Bump In The Way

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[Bold: English] 
[': thoughts]

Young Mi's Point of View

Mom screamed after me, trying to get me to turn around. I kept walking from her, ignoring her calls. The few people who were still out this late at night shot us looks of anger. 

Not caring I turned up the volume of my music. The song blasted through my ears, most likely causing hearing damage.

After a while of walking around I turned a corner, suddenly a hooded figure bumped into me. I stumbled back losing my footing. My eyes closed in instinct, waiting for the impact. Though it never came.

The person whose face was masked by the darkness had taken a hold of my arm. They pulled me up right, and I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding in. 

I clutched my shirt, wrinkling the fabric. They stared at me blocking the way. Starting to get annoyed I went to walk around them, but when I moved an inch they grasped my hand and pulled me to them whispering, "Watch where you're going next time."

By their voice I could tell they were male. It shook me to my core, they're voice getting to my last nerve in less then a second. 

I pulled my arm out of their hold and scoffed, "Huh, you should look up when walking, I almost fell asshole." I whipped my hair back and made my way back home.

Once i got home my mom was waiting by the door, she had taken of her slipper faster than you can say 'Buttercup' and started to wack me with it. I put my hands over my face for some protection.

My sisters and Aunt were watching in amusement. Mom stopped hitting me after a few minutes and told me to go to bed. 'Oh right there's school tomorrow' ,"Fuck there's School tomorrow!" I said out loud, earning an ear pull from mom. I groaned in pain, then I ran to my shared room with my two sisters.

Guess I have to sleep since I got nothing else to do.


351 words

Not all chapter will be this short, almost all will be over 2000 words.

Accidental Meeting Kim SamuelWhere stories live. Discover now