Good morning Ro-bin!

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Young Mi's Point Of View

My sister and I rushed around the house getting ready for school. We had woken up late and the bus would be leaving in 10 minutes.

I ran out the door not waiting for Ji-Na. Soon enough she was behind me yelling that I'm a jerk for not waiting. As we ran I laughed getting close to the bus stop. When we got closer I saw the bus, surprised I tripped. Quickly I got up and ran inside the bus. I stood inside along with other students and adults, grabbing one of the hangers I prepared for when the bus moves. 

Ji-Na runs in and stands beside me. I give her a cheeky smile causing her to pout and nudge my shoulder,"Why couldn't you wait?"

I gasped dramatically,"Wow, did you not see me fall, you're more worried about getting to school, then my well being. I can't believe this my own sister,"I said acting as if I was in a drama. Lifting my knee I showed her the cut and scratches I received do to the fall.

"Does it hurt?" She asked worried, her hand reaching to touch it. 

As she brushed dirt off the bleeding wound I hissed, breaking character,"Of course it hurts it might even get infected."

Two minutes into the ride to school and one of the girls sitting by Ji-Na was resting her head against my sisters arm. The bus then jerked causing a few people to launch around. I stood my ground, holding on to the hanger tightly. The girl below my sister yelps, and once I look at my sister I noticed she had a good amount of hair clutched in her hand. 

I let out a loud laugh causing the girl to look at me angry then looked at my sister who let go of the girls hair. She took a closer look at Ji-Na,"Aren't you that girl from before?" she asked. Ji-Na tries to apologize, "Are you out of your mind, are you nuts?" the girl pressed interrupting my sister.

"Hey she already apologized, "I said getting annoyed at the girl. She smiled scoffing. turning her attention out the window.

I got off the bus and saw the girl and two other behind her waiting outside the bus. When Ji-Na finally got off she looked at me then to the girl next to me. She stayed quiet, then before she bowed to apologize again I took her hand,"Come on do you want us to be late?" I said dragging her to the gate.

The teacher who waits by the front to inspect the students attire was beginning to close the gate, Ji-Na called out for him to wait and Rok-Hee stuck her foot out so the man couldn't close up on us.

We walked in and I hooked my arm around hers,"Thank you Rok-Hee, you're the best." She shook her head and patted my hair, smiling.

Ji-Na held my hand and poke her head our from beside me, "Thank you for before too, for getting me out." Rok-Hee coughed.

She stopped walking and cleared her throat,"I only did that because if I hadn't done anything Young Mi would have hurt me."

My mouth dropped,"That is a lie I have never hurt you."

Rok-Hee smiled at me then turned to my sister as we began to walk again,"Besides the game was getting boring."

Ji-Na smiled letting go of my hand. She took out a small bag of gummy bears and handed an orange one to Rok-Hee. "I love the orange ones,"she said taking the candy. 

My sister smiled and glanced at me," I know Young Mi told me before."

"Hey, I didn't say anything!" I denied.

"Liar." She sang. We laughed and got inside the class. Right after we entered Soo-Ji came in. 'Must be nice being rich.'

Ji-Na and Mi-Nam called Bo-ra since she had changed our names in her contacts. Ji-Na was G-dragon, while Mi-Nam wasn't changed.

Accidental Meeting Kim SamuelWhere stories live. Discover now