Objectify me
Turn me into whatever calms your needs
Your hunger
Your libido
Call me childish
Make me submit for what little moments of intimacy
I can conjure
I could conjure
A love spell
But would false love be as satisfying?
Would you love me
If I was prettier
More willing
To be a curve in whatever road you walk?
When will gypsy spirits
Decide when a person they called home
Is enough
To settle down for?
I'm not tired of you
I'm just tired
Of being a pair of hips
A pair of lips
Soft thighs
And chaotic nights
For you to drunkenly sway
For your own gain
Warm spring
Isn't enough
To melt your frosted winter heart
I hate you
I loath you
I love you
But I can't blame you
For being you
You're a bee
And I'm a flower
You pollinate me
Make me feel alive and special
Only to fly away
While I remain stationary