Chapter 8

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Joseph grins as he walks away from his little bird's stall, eyes shining with glee. His Aesop agreed to court with him! All he needs now is to make him fall for him and be his mate. He smiles impossibly wide, sharp, pointed canines revealed from beneath his pale lips. He can't wait!

Joseph stares into one of the two beautiful hand mirrors he picked up from the counter. The gorgeous floral engraved gold frame surrounding his mirrored image. His cold blue eyes staring back as clear as crystal, not a single scratch across the fragile glass. He runs his fingers over the frame, tracing over the detailed wooden flowers. The wood is impossibly smooth! Such magnificent craftmanship is only expected from his little bird.

Joseph examines the other mirror. The frame is an elegant silver color with life-like avian engravings. Like his own, the glass is without a single scratch or scrape and the wood well polished and smooth. The Queen of Hearts would love it.

He walks towards a large crowd surrounding a stand. At the sight of his approaching figure, the crowd immediately dissipates and whispers fill the air. Ah...Gossip travels fast, doesn't it?

"It's the Moonlight Gentleman!"

"Didn't he murder Lady Adelaide at that craftsman stall?"

"Oh, dear! We have to leave!"

Joseph stands in front of the counter and clears his throat. The vendor, an omega around her early 30s, hastily stands from her sewing machine. She wears a lovely green gown with beautiful woven roses decorating the skirt. Her platinum hair is tied up in an elegant bun held up with gold pins. Sharp green eyes stare into his icy blue eyes with a steely determination to not succumb to his presence.

Joseph greets the omega with a polite smile and a small bow, he must show respect to the elder. After all, she is to be his mother-in-law.

"Miss Soul Weaver, such a wonderful day for a market, is it not?"

Soul Weaver's eyes remain stony and cold filled with distrust. She sneers at him, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"Moonlight Gentleman, my honors of serving you on this fine day. May I inquire of your business here?"

Joseph keeps a smile etched in his lips, holding back the urge to rip the omega's head straight off her shoulders. How dare she use that tone on him! His eyes flashed red in rage, but he keeps his temper down.

"I am here to order some tailored suits. I'll have the materials sent to the drop off in three more days if it's not too much of a trouble." He calmly states.

Soul Weaver snarls, "I know that's not the only thing you came here for, Moonlight Gentleman. So tell me, what are your true intentions?" Her eyes flash omega silver.

Joseph lets out a chuckle, eyes flashing ruby red. "Very Well, Violetta. I've taken interest in your little apprentice craftsman and I only ask for your blessings."

Violetta lets out a mocking cackle, "As if I'll give Aesop to an alpha like you! Until my last breath, I will never allow you to lay a single finger on him!"

Joseph raises his hand and grasps the elder's neck. Careful not to squeeze too hard as he watches the omega thrash against his grip, her hands tight around his fingers trying to pry them off. Joseph's lips curve into a sinister grin, revealing sharp canines.

"That choice isn't yours, isn't it? It all depends on his decisions."

With a deep chuckle, he let's go of Violetta's neck. The omega falls back gasping for air. Joseph straightens his suit before walking away, an arrogant smirk on his lips.

"Good day, Soul Weaver."

As Joseph nears the entrance of the market, he could see that his carriage is the only one left of the 7 that arrived earlier. At the roof of the carriage, 4 large body-length mirrors decorated with all sorts of intrinsic engravings and precious stones are tightly secured by ropes. Seems like the Queen of Hearts has gotten what she wants.

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