Chapter 13

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*rape/non-con warning*

Aesop gasps smoke immediately filling his lungs. He coughs, grunting in pain as his abdomen burns with each choke of air. A tsk sounds next to his bed, the alien yet all too familiar voice making him jump in absolute shock and horror.

His head snaps to the source, fearful grey meeting lustful ruby red. At an instant something inside him tingles, he feels weird. A whimper escapes his lips as another wave of scorching heat runs through his body, but this time with something else. He gasps as the heat reaches his crotch, both painful yet oh so pleasurable at the same time. He moans at the feeling, instantly regretting it as the scent of citrus and sandalwood intensifies, a deep growl by his bed.

Joseph growls as sweet moans spill from his omega's mouth, the alpha inside him howling with excitement and lust eager to get its claws on the omega. He lunges on to the whimpering omega, caging him between his arms, the delicious scent, so strong and sweet, filling his lungs and overwhelming his senses. His eyes stare hungrily at the wet tent forming beneath the other's pants, the smell of sweet, sweet slick slowly mixing in with the omega's delicious scent. Joseph is addicted, he wants more.

However, he has other plans.

"You see, my dear. As much as crave to bring you back to the manor and fuck your little hole senseless, I'd be quite the cheater," he grins, "you see, your other friends are already running for their dear lives. Now, my dear, I'll give you a little head start. What do you think, mon petit oiseau?"

Aesop could only whimper and whine, fear and heat clouding his senses as he cowers away from the alpha.

Joseph tsks at his reaction and leans down. "I suggest you start running, my dear," he whispers with a smirk. A sadistic glint in his eyes as he watches his little omega stumble from his grasp and run out to the woods.

He stands up, grabbing his sword and adjusting his tie. Eyes set on the prize, he grins. "Let the hunt begin!"

Aesop runs through the forest, clutching his abdomen as he grits his teeth from the burning pain. He needs to shift. He wills himself to shift, channeling his wolf. Nothing. With a desperate growl, he tries again. Nothing.

"Shit," he pants out. It's too weak.

A sudden howl behind him makes his blood run cold, the spiced scent of citrus and sandalwood getting more and more intense. Aesop looks back, eyes widening and the large silver wolf lunging closer and closer. Its eyes a menacing blood red.

Aesop swears under his breath as the large wolf runs faster and faster. He needs to lose him quickly!

Aesop turns a sharp corner, his legs burn and his body hurts, but he can't give up now. He hears the thundering of paws behind him turn to running footsteps. What the hell is he-

A strong gust of air swished behind him. He looks back eyes widening as he watches the noble recover from the swing. The blade of the sword glinting in the darkness. The glint reflected in the bloodthirsty ruby red eyes, as the alpha quickly runs after him.

Adrenaline fills his veins as he runs faster. Turning around an oak tree his forced to slow down, a large fallen tree stands in the way. The footsteps come thundering behind him, getting louder and louder. He grits his teeth as he places his hands on the log and launches himself over, legs grazing over the rough wood. He stumbles as he lands, quickly regaining his balance as he runs further and further.

Aesop runs behind an old tree and will all his remaining strength he slams his body against the bark. The old wood giving away as it slams onto the ground. A sharp curse echoes through the trees as the sound of wood snapping follows. Aesop grits his teeth as he could feel his legs slowly give up. He can't stop now, he can't-

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