Chapter 17

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Aesop! Youre okay!

The figure runs up to Aesop and engulfs him into a hug, her blond hair tickling his neck. He could feel the wetness of tears against his neck. Aesop wraps his arms around her small figure holding her tight, his tears flowing freely. He misses her so much. He misses this. Tracy pulls away from the hug, wiping her eyes with her gloved hands.

Im so glad youre alive! She says as she pulls him into another tight hug.

Me too I missed you so much, Aesop said leaning in to bury his face in her blond hair, inhaling the sweet chocolate and nutmeg scent he missed so much.

Same goes to me, she smiles into the hug. Also, have you gained weight or something? I can feel your belly.

Aesop could only let out a small smile at her obliviousness. He gently takes her hand placing it onto his stomach and watches in amusement as her eyes widen almost comically. Her eyes glimmer the same glimmer of excitement hed see every time shed invent something new. The glimmer he knows he sees when shes ecstatic.

Oh, moon! Whose is it? Its not Nortons, right? At which she receives a smack to her head from the other omega in the room.

Norton shakes his head, Im going to leave first. I need to help out Servais with his new books. See you later. He walks out of the cottage, closing the door gently behind him.

Tracy grabs him by the shoulder and pulls him to the couch. She signals him to wait as she heads to the small kitchen area and takes out some tea leaves stored behind some cups. She takes out a kettle along with the leaves and fills the kettle with water from the sink before placing it on the stove and lighting it up.

She walks back towards the couch and sits down, crossing her legs and an elbow on her knee as she watches expectantly at Aesop.

Aesop sighs as he starts explaining, Its a noble. Im with a nobles pup. He watches a Tracys eyes open wide, mouth agape as she places her head on her palm, leaning closer to hear the story. I met a noble in the forest before the Elite Market event. He and another spotted me and Naib when we were out hunting. Then we, unfortunately, met again at the market, he he saved me from another alpha. Aesop watches as Tracy lets out a hum leaning further into her palm. Then he invited me to the manor and courted me. I rejected his courting gift. He was planning to burn the village, I couldnt accept his gift.

Tracy becomes silent as she hears about the village. She knows what happened to the village, what happened to her beloved home when she was away.

He he followed us to the village along with the other nobles and I had my heat He opens his mouth, but no words would spill out. Tracy looks at him with understanding in her eyes. Aesop takes a deep breath and continues. He locked me up in the manor. An omega told me the noble wanted to see me, but he never did and I I gave up waiting, Aesop finishes with a sigh.

Tracy is silent for a moment, letting the information sink in. That noble its the Moonlight Gentleman, isnt it?

Aesop nods. He watches as the other omega stands up from her seat to walk to the stove. Taking ceramic teapot and drops some tea leaves in. She pours the boiling water from the kettle.

And you still kept the pup. Why? Tracy asks as she takes a sieve from the cupboard and pouring in some of the tea in two cups sitting on the counter, making sure no tea leaves from falling into the cups. She walks back to the couch with two steaming mugs of tea, handing one of them to Aesop.

Even if the pups not of my consent, they are still my pup. My flesh and blood. I promise no matter what happens, they will get the life they deserve, He responds with a gentle tone, hands gently rubbing circles on his bump.

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