Chapter 16

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Aesop looks at his reflection in the mirror, Norton lent him some spare clothes he brought with him. His hands felt at the dark green tunic and brown pants which are a bit itchy and a bit too big, but are fine nonetheless. Knocking on the door makes him turn to the omega standing by.

"Come on, my village is quite far we should get going." The other omega urges him, dressed in a similar style of clothing.

Aesop follows after him to the reception of the clinic where Emily and Demi are waiting. He gives them a quick hug thanking them for all they have done. Emily says she'll visit when the pup's due. With that, they leave the clinic.

"I hope you don't mind a bit of walking, my horse is tied up at the inn. After that, we'll ride back to my village, ok?" Norton asks with a sheepish smile.

Aesop nods a small smile across his lips. Hes going to escape. A new beginning. He thinks back to all of his packmates. Violetta with all her nagging and her delicious warm meals. Yidhra with her hilarious jokes and caring smiles. The pups who would run around causing mischief in their small village. All of his friends his grown up with, who he stuck together with through thick and thin. He thanks them all. For all the memories they made together, but maybe its time to let go. He looks up to the sky a lone tear sliding down his cheeks, wherever they may be, he says farewell.

All of a sudden, a harsh tug pulls him into the dark alleyway, the pungent stench of garbage immediately filling his senses. Norton places a finger against his lips as he gestures to the group of wolves walking past the alleyway, all of them dressed in elegant black suits and round hats, large hunting rifles strapped to their backs. The police? What are they doing here?

Norton gently tugs his sleeves, gesturing for him to follow him as he leans towards the opening of the dark alleyway. Aesop takes a glimpse past the wall, immediately retreating as he sees two men dressed in the dark uniforms talking to each other. Norton gives him a pointed look as he gestures for him to listen.

Why are we here again? The slightly shorter male asks, his tone annoyed.

Shut your trap, John. The faster we find that omega bitch the faster this stupid job is over.

Aesops eyes widen. Theyre looking for him?

That damn Moonlight Bastard, why cant that blasted noble find his bitch himself? John growls.

Joseph? Joseph is looking for him? Aesop could feel his heartache...He still cares? Aesop shakes his head, pushing the thoughts away. Hes so close to freedom. He cant give up now.

Damn useless nobles acting so high and mighty, the taller male takes out a piece of crumpled paper with Aesops face carefully drawn onto it. John lets out a low whistle.

That bastard sure got himself a looker, ey? Bitch probably smells so fucking good. Whatd you say if we have a little bit of fun with the omega before handing him back? That noble wont even notice we used him. Whatd you say, James? John snickers.

The other male, James, smirks. Why I cant agree more.

Aesop grits his teeth, James thats the alpha he met with Vera. Cold-blooded cunts, now wonder Vera despised him. All of a sudden, John lifts his head and takes a long sniff.

What is that delicious scent? You smell it too right?

Aesop could feel his blood freeze. He looks at Norton who stared at him with steely determination. A hand raised in the air, three fingers up. Three

James lifts his head to take a whiff of air, letting out a long exhale with a smirk across his lips.

Norton folds one finger down. Two...

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