Chapter 11

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The sun has already long set, however, the tavern is restless. Violetta awaits, her figure tense as she

for her four pups' return. She had received a letter in the afternoon informing that Tracy would be staying with the inventor Dr. Lapadura for training, at least she knows Tracy is in the right hands. Meanwhile, her other pups are still in jeopardy in the hands of those nobles, how she hopes they'll come back and go back to the peaceful life in the village. Demi stands beside her with an arm over her shoulders giving her support and reassurance. She knows its hard for Violetta to face these situations, all so similar to the times Margaretha won't be home by sundown when visiting her clients.

All of a sudden a brown wolf bursts through the wooded door, large scars across its back as it falls down onto the stone floors transforming back into a young brunette with bloodied and torn clothes. Violetta hurries over to hug her pup as he leans into her comforting embrace.

"Naib! What happened to you? You're bleeding!"

"I'm fine," he pants, "Just a little bit of blood won't kill me." A smirk on his coy lips.

Violetta resists the urge to slap him across the face.

"Anyway, we need to leave and fast," Naib's voice turns serious and low. He gets up from Violetta's lap and sits down onto a barstool thanking Demi for the glass of water.

"The nobles are going to destroy the village."

Violetta's breath hitched, "What?"

"They're planning to build a damn railway station." He grits his teeth, his voice shaky at the thought of his home being replaced by some stupid station, but what can they do about it. They have no power, no money, unlike the bastard nobles.

All of a sudden the doors burst open this time by two wolves, one grey and another dark brown, both panting as they collapsed next to each other. Exhausted, but unharmed. Violetta let's out a breath of relief, but one more is yet to return.

The sound of carriage wheels screeching to a halt follows minutes later as the distant sound of a familiar blind omega could be heard thanking the coach profusely. Violetta hurries to the girl enveloping her in a warm embrace, glad that all of her pups made it back safe.

She rushes back inside the tavern and orders everyone to quickly pack their things. They can't bear to waste any more time.

It's around midnight when the pack finally settles at the lounge, bags packed and ready to go. Violetta hugs Demi before they part, thanking her for letting them stay. Demi merely smiles and waves them goodbye, wishing them luck and safety. They head off each of them on their horses and wagons and they ride off back to the village.

Aesop shivers as the cold winds of the night blow under his thin cloak. He looks at Helena who's seemingly lost in her own head as she proceeds to emptily gaze out into the night back against the wooden board of his wagon. Naib, on the other hand, seems to be well off, chatting with Eli despite being the only one of them to return with a pretty nasty wound on his back.

He lets out a deep breath. "Helena, how was your day?"

Helena snaps out of her daze and giggles, knowing he is trying his best to lighten up the mood. "She was nice."

"Blood Fan?"

Helena hums in confirmation. "She was sweet and understanding, gentle as well. We spent the afternoon talking about where she came from, Japan. I think its really pretty there."

"That's nice, but why did you leave?"

"I just happened to stumble upon the blueprints by accident and had one of her butlers read it to me. That's why I ran. Cause," Helena smiles, "No matter what, you guys are my family and I'll always put my family first."

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