Chapter 19

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A young omega sits on the couch reading up on a copy of the famous author, William Shakespeares Macbeth. Such an interesting story. He lifts the cup filled with chamomile tea and takes a sip of the hot liquid, the warmth sliding down his throat and warming his stomach. Aesop hums in satisfaction as he continues to read.

A small yawn from the bedroom interrupts the peaceful silence as a young pup in a light yellow nightgown peeks out of the doorway. Her small hand rubbing her tired bright blue eyes while the other hugs a small penguin-like doll.

Daddy? the small pup yawns, her small figure waddling into the living room where Aesop waits patiently for his daughter.

Good morning, Cosette, He smiles as he lifts the small pup into his arms, gently sniffing at the sweet citrus and cinnamon scent. Did you have a nice dream?

The young pup buries her small head into her fathers neck, the sweet yellow rose and cinnamon scent making her feel sleepy again. She nods into his neck, letting out another yawn as her doll slips from her grasp.

Now, now dont fall asleep again, we have to get ready, he tells the pup, gently running his fingers through the silky grey locks.

He stands up from the couch and takes the empty cup of tea with one hand, supporting Cosette who clings onto him like a small koala bear.

Aesop hugs the small pup tightly. He doesnt regret all the pain he went through. All the misery and frustration he went through. The little girl in his arms is more than he could ever have hoped for and he wouldnt trade her for any riches or joy. She is a gift.

Aesop remembers feeling the first kicks of the small pup in his belly.

He was talking with Tracy and Luca who came over for a nice cup of tea. They went on rambling about the designs of the new robot they were helping Dr. Lapadura with.

Tracy! Why would you put a damn beak on the thing! What kind of killer robot looks like a fucking penguin! Luca growled, placing his cup of tea with a loud clank on the table.

Hey! Dr. Lapaduras giving that robot to guard the kings children when theyre playing around! Who wants a hideous tin can like yours! Tracy jabs a finger the latters drawing.

As if your penguin could scare anyone off! It looks more like a babys dolly! Luca argues back, Mine would actually do its damn job!

Yeah and scare the children off as well! Id rather play in the damn dungeons than near that thing! Tracy sneers at the latter.

Aesop! Both of them turn to the other omega who sat on the couch at the same time.

Which design is better! My robot or his tin can!


Aesop was looking at the two rather similar designs. One had a rather menacing looking face with a large x painted across the robots face. It had red eyes and its sleek black metal body had many splotches of red paint. It had a set of wheels for legs and its mechanical arms carried a nailed metal bat. Quite a rather menacing design.

The other on the other hand looked quite friendly with a metal top head sitting on its head and a red bow tie on its chest. Unlike the other design, the robot had yellow eyes and a metal beak making it look rather adorable. It had a set of metal feet and a weapon that looks like a childs squeaky hammer. Quite the drastic difference.

Aesop lowered the cup of steaming chamomile tea from his lips and bent over his growing bump to place the cup onto the table when a subtle thud against his belly makes him drop the cup. The thin ceramic material shattering against wooden floors, hot tea splattering, and seeping into the wood.

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