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EIGHT – 4:49:48 PM

Okay, dreaming within a dream must be my thing. After dipping in the pool for almost two hours, we decided to take a rest. I didn't mean to fall asleep but I did, and now I dreamt of something again.

It was about a woman and her lover. Both looked like they came from the old time—19th century or something like that—because of what they were wearing and how they spoke. Both from rich families. It was like watching a historical drama where they were destined to be together but the world is against them.

The woman lives in their mansion-like house with only her sisters. There were six of them, her included, and she was the sixth daughter. Some of her sisters are already married and have their own families, but oddly enough, it was as if they were all still living together under the same roof; and every one of them disagrees with the relationship she has with her lover.

Her lover is not a loser at all. Like I said, he came from a rich family too. In fact, he was well-known and he was the most sought-out bachelor, not only in their town but in their whole country. He was smart and he was a good merchant, all the family businesses he handles are all successful because of him. He was kind and gentle and yet the woman's five sisters still disapprove of him.

It was almost a big blurry dream honestly. It was like a movie that has been kept playing in fast forward then pause then fast forward again; there weren't many scenes shown all in all. But the ones that did make it to the pause moments were overall... sad.

One moment is a garden scene where the man is reading a book to the woman. I don't know what love is but I'm sure it was in the way they both look at each other. You can feel how raw the emotions they have in the way they stare at each other's eyes; like they both mean the whole world for each other. But then a sister of the woman came and the moment was gone.

Another one was that they were arguing about something. It's not that I can hear what they are talking about but based on their expressions and gestures, it was as if the man was asking the woman to elope. It wasn't hard to notice how the woman is struggling to make her decision. She could just go with the man and be happy. But that would be too easy. Of course, she couldn't leave her family.

I don't know if it's really included in the dream or my mind was just playing with me but I think the woman was sick. Physically, not mentally. There were glimpses that showed she had short hair as if slowly undergoing chemotherapy that we have today but I guess it was just too weird. Maybe it was just a dream glitch.

The last one was something intense, it almost felt rude to be there and watch that scene. It was the first time I heard them talk. Nothing too long and I couldn't even understand what the man wanted to say but he said something like, 'when this all ends, we will meet again'. He also gave a promise to the woman that I barely heard.

It felt the lengthiest dream I ever had in my life and when I woke up, I was tearing up like I went on a marathon with a drama series where everyone survived except for the pets. I never experienced anything like that in my entire life, both dreaming about something so random and crying about anything like that.

My chest felt heavy—

I thought I was only feeling the same heaviness of my heart but no, this guy is sleeping next to me and had the audacity to place his heavy arm on my chest!

"What the—OUCH!"

I meant to freaking kick this guy out of the bed but with the sudden movement I made, I was the one who fell down to the floor! I didn't know I was already lying on the very edge of this damn bed! Now, my freaking butt hurts like hell!

"Hmmm..." This guy finally wakes up and when he opens his eyes, he's brows furrowed in confusion. "W-What are you doing there on the floor, dummy?"

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