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A LITTLE NOTE:  Hey, readers! This is my very first book. This book is in it's first draft. I've gotten better over years and have written more books. If you want to read my newest, go to my profile and check out "TATIANA'S SECRET"

Trust me, you will love it.


"Arghhh," I shouted out of frustration as my friend teased me on the phone.

I was cleaning my room talking to Ivan at the same time.

"Dior," He said," At least give him a chance."

Throwing my dirty clothes in my laundry basket, I threw my head back clearly tired of Ivan's lectures.

"Look, I know you care a lot for me but you know how I loathe romance, "I sighed.

Ivan and I became close friends when my mom and I relocated and started attending the same school.

"Just go out once and you will see that your perspective about love will change," he tells me.

"Please, Love isn't in my priority for now, "I answered angrily.

He shouldn't be harping on this subject, I told him I wasn't interested.

Somethings in life influences some decisions.

"Pardon, I was just trying to help," He spoke gingerly.

That was Ivan for you, he would annoy me and talk calmly after realizing I didn't like it.

"Yeah, thanks for caring, "I replied sitting on my bed.

"So, how is your mom taking the notice?" He asked.

I exhaled.

"I don't know, but I could tell she is trying to put herself together."

"Okay. If you need me to render any help, Just call," He answered.

I smiled.

" I appreciate that."

I ended the call and sprawled on my bed.

My mind drifted to Mom, my mom is a very beautiful tall lady with black hair. I had been used to the plastered smile I see on her face every day.

My mom was no longer the gregarious woman I knew. My dad passed away when I was eleven, and my mom has been struggling financially ever since.

Now, we were given an eviction notice to leave this apartment, the landlady complained that we don't pay our rent on time.

She wants to give the apartment to someone else. I know we don't have any money to pay the rent but if only she could give us time.

There was a time when Mom got a job and it was really paying well, but she got fired because they said she wasn't really putting all her mind into the work.

I was the only child of my parents, Mom told me my dad didn't want any other child at that time. I would have liked it if I wasn't the only one.

"Dior," I heard mom call.

"Coming mom," I responded.

I stood up from my bed and walked to the next room, the apartment consists of just two rooms.

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