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"I am so happy Dior," Anna said cheerfully.

I gave her a smile and returned my gaze to the flat-screen TV.

She was really enthusiastic today, it's been a long time since we both had a day to ourselves, Mom was planning a child's birthday party so she wasn't here with us.

"I'm really sorry I couldn't attend your engagement party," She apologized.

"It's okay, I understand the fact that something more important came up, "I tell her placing my legs on the footstool.

"So, how's your husband doing?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes and threw a throw pillow at her," Please don't call him that."

She grinned," He is your husband, Dior."

"He is not my husband Anna, stop calling him that," I snapped.

"But you will soon get married to him," She said.

"He is my fake fiance,"

"Okay, how is your fake fiance doing?" She winked.

"Aren't we watching this movie again?" I asked trying to stop her from talking about Kingston.

She shifted her gaze to the flat-screen and focused back on me," Why do I have a feeling you don't want to talk about Kingston?"

I groaned.

"He is fine, Anna."

"Have you guys spoken to each other yet?" She questioned.

I switched off the TV and dropped the remote control on the coffee table, we weren't really paying attention to the movie.

"We haven't spoken to each other since our engagement party," I tell her.

"Do you feel comfortable around this guy?" She inquired giving me a worried look.

"He is a nice person," I assured her.

"If you say so,"

"Have you seen Layla's post?" She asks me reaching for her phone on the table.

She tapped on her phone and turned it to me, Layla was a fashionable and beautiful lady was arrogantly looked down at other ladies like they were ugly ducklings.

She would always post pictures of her new outfits with captions that are really insulting to other girls.

"Let me get my phone," I tell her before exiting the sitting room.

I needed to see those harsh comments on Layla's post, it was so fun to see nasty comebacks.

I stood up from the sofa and bolted to my room, opening the door, I heard my phone ringing on the bedside table.

I reached for my phone and then an unknown number flashed through on the phone ringing again.

I don't normally pick unknown numbers and this person had been calling for like a while now.

I strolled back into the sitting room and placed my phone on the table.

"What happened?" Anna asked.

"I don't know, just a strange number calling," I explained.

My phone began to ring again and I angrily picked the call this time.

"Yes?" I demanded.

"Have I picked a bad time to talk to you?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I removed the phone from its place near my ear turning to Anna who gave me a puzzled look.

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