Chapter 8

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[Shawn's POV]

 " So, did they give you an answer yet?" Camila asks sitting next to me in one of the booths at the cafe.

 " Not yet. But I think I'm going to send it to other labels too." I say before she gives me a kiss.

 " That's a good idea, but don't worry, baby. You're so talented, I'm sure at least one of them is going to recognize that." She says smiling at me.

 Niall convinced me to send some of my songs to the record label he's working on as an intern. I was a little scared at first but Camila was so supportive of the idea that I had to do. It's not that I didn't want to, I'm scared of the rejection. This songs are my heart and soul so I'd be a little disappointed if someone told me they're not good.

 " I can literally see you overthinking it." She says putting a hand on my cheek. " It's okay to be a little scared of the rejection but just know that doesn't measure your talent, you're still an amazing songwritter no matter what the answer is."

 It's still crazy to me how she can tell exactly what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling towards any situation.

 " I love you." I tell her before kissing her forehead.

 " I know you do." She says in a sassy way that makes me laugh.

 Before I can say anything her phone starts to ring and she looks with suspicious at the unknown number. She takes the call anyway but her face doesn't reveal much.

 " Hello? Yeah, that's her." She says while I play with her hair. " Wow. That's amazing. Of course I'm interested. Okay, I'll be there tomorrow. Thank you so much." She says ending the call.

 " What was that about?" I ask curiously.

 " It was this lady who owns a gallery downtown, she's friends with one of my professors. She saw some of my work and is interested in exhibiting my paintings at her gallery." She says in shock.

 " Oh my god! Mila, that's incredible!" I say hugging her.

 " Is this really happening? This can't be real." She says with excitement.

 " I'm so proud of you." I say kissing her.

 Three weeks later Camila was freaking out because of her first exposition at the gallery. Four of her paintings would be for sale during a cocktail party at the gallery. She was allowed to invite whoever she wanted, so now we're sitting in my car with Lauren, Julia and Niall in the backseat on our way to the gallery. Alessia and Brian would meet us there and so would my mom. I can sense how nervous Camila is so I take her hand in mine and give it a kiss, which makes her take a deep breath. When we get to the gallery the owner and her professor start to introduce her to a bunch of people, who ask about her paintings and her inspirations, making her face lit up and suddenly she's not nervous anymore. Brian and Alessia are already here talking to the others while I look at one of her paintings by myself.

 " Wow. She's so talented." I hear my moms voice from behind me.

 " I know, right? It's almost unbelievable." I say turning around to hug her.

 " She looks so happy." My mom says looking at Camila, who's talking excitedly to a couple. Just then she sees us and excuse herself from the conversation she was in.

 " Karen, you made it." She says hugging my mom.

 " Of course, I wouldn't miss the opportunity to see your paintings. They're amazing, Camila!" She says making Camila smile even harder.

 Just then my phone starts ringing, so I make my way outside since the conversations are kind of loud inside. I see that it's an unknown number so I take the call hoping for an answer from any of the record labels I sent my songs to.

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