Chapter 17

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[Shawn's POV]

In the next two weeks after Sinu and Alejandro's wedding, Camila and I are back in LA and she seems to have a lot of pent up emotions about her dad that she chooses to put in her paintings. These are probably the most incredible ones I've seen her work on. I guess pain makes good art.

I decide to quit my job at the cafe since 'Nervous' keeps raising in the radio and charts, which means Andrew has been scheduling me a bunch of interviews. Even though the EP just came out, I'm already working on more music and one day as I'm walking out of the studio I get a call from my dad. I haven't spoken to him since we found out about Camila's pregnancy, which was almost 6 months ago. I ignore the call, I'm not ready to have another argument over my music or how he thinks we're too young to be parents. He keeps calling over and over, so when I sit in my car I decide to take the call.

 " Hi, dad. What do you want?" I ask going straight to the point.

 " Hi, Shawn." He hesitates a little before saying anything more. " Your mom told me your music is going great. Congratulations." 

 " Thanks." I say not knowing what else to do.

 " I'm sorry about how I reacted to the pregnancy." He says quietly. " I was wondering if you and Camila could come over for dinner on the weekend so we can celebrate your birthday. Your grandparents will be in town and they really want to see you."

  " Sure." I say ignoring the fact that he said my grandparents want to see me but didn't include himself in the sentence.

 I end the call and drive back home thinking that this is a progress. I never thought I would hear my dad congratulate me for my music. When I get home Camila is in the couch using her laptop while eating a banana.

 " Hey, baby." She says after finishing the banana.

 " Hey, how are my two girls doing?" I ask sitting next to her, leaving a kiss in her stomach and other in her cheek.

 " We're fine." She says before kissing me once, and then looking into my eyes and giving me a second kiss. " Your mom called me inviting us for dinner with your grandparents on saturday so we can celebrate your birthday." 

 " My dad just called me to do the same." I say taking her laptop from her lap and putting on the center table. " He congratulated me on my music and apologized about his reaction on the pregnancy."

 " That's good. I knew he would come around. He loves you even though he doesn't know how to show it sometimes." She says turning on the couch so she's facing me.

 " That makes me want to be a better father than what he was to me. I want to be present in every step of Rose's life and I'll support her dreams no matter what they are." I say putting my hand over her stomach.

 " You'll be an amazing dad. I just know it." As soon as she says it, I feel Rose kicking under my hand. " She agrees with me." Camila says laughing. I can't help but laugh with her and kiss her stomach over and over again.

 " And you'll be an incredible mom. I know you doubt that sometimes but you're already doing so great." I say as she hugs me and kisses my neck.

 My birthday comes on friday and Andrew organized with Camila's help a small party at the studio with my closest friends and some of the writers and producers I've been working with. As we get there everyone wishes me happy birthday and Andrew announces he has the best birthday gift.

 " The record label just gave us a green light to start working on your debut album." She says smiling at me.

 " Are you kidding me?" I asks as he pulls me for a hug.

 " It's going to be hard to top this gift." He jokes looking at Camila, making her laugh.

 " We both know I already have the best gift." She says putting her hands on her stomach.

 " Sorry, Andrew, but she's right." I say as we all laugh.

 Later Camila pulls me to a balcony so she can give me her gift. She hands me a white envelope and I can tell she's excited to see my reaction. I open it and I see two concert tickets to watch 'The 1975' next year on May.

 " Baby, this is amazing!" I say hugging and kissing her. " I'll get to watch my favorite band play with my favorite person by my side."

 " I love you so much." She says kissing me.

 " I hate to interrupt but birthday boy is being requested back there." Niall says with a guilty face.

 We both walk back to find Andrew bringing the cake so we can all sing happy birthday. It's crazy how much your life can change in one year. A year ago I didn't know Camila. A year ago my music wasn't playing on the radio. A year ago I wasn't about to become a father.


[Camila's POV]

 At this point of the pregnancy most of my old clothes don't fit me anymore, so I had to buy a bunch of new things. I put a loose off-white cute dress Shawn bought for me last month, and it's one of the few clothes that fit me right now that I actually like. I hear the bathroom door open and right after Shawn enters our room to change into some closes. I walk at his direction to help him button up his shirt and he starts to play with my hair as I do so.

 " You look gorgeous in this dress." He says kissing me as I finish with his shirt. He then kisses my stomach and take my hand so we can go to his parents' house.

 When we get there Karen opens the door for us and guide us to the living room. This is the first time I come here and it's a huge house. I always forget Shawn grew up in this type of environment, he's so humble and I guess Karen played a big part on him turning out this way. I see his dad, his grandfather and an old lady I believe is his grandmother sitting in one of the couches. They all get up, hug us and wish Shawn happy birthday. As we all sit down his grandmother seems very interested in getting to know me, she's the sweetest.

 " Shawn, she's so beautiful and smart! You're a lucky guy." She says making us laugh.

 " I know, grandma." He says kissing my cheek and making me blush a little.

 " Karen told me it's a girl. Rose it's a beautiful name, I like it." She says smiling at us.

 Just then I feel Rose kicking so I take Shawn's hand and put it over my stomach. He smiles at me feeling it and then I see Karen looking excitedly at us. She's been dying to feel Rose kicking but she's been shy when Karen is around.

 " She's kicking?" She says more like an affirmation.

 " Yes. Come here." I say as she gets up and walks to us.

 Her face lits up when she feels Rose kicking and then calls Shawn's grandma to feel it too. I can see his grandfather is happy watching us and his father smile at me. I'm glad he's trying at least, Shawn deserves to have this. Later we have dinner and after that Shawn and his dad go talk in his office as I talk with his grandma. We get along so well, she actually reminds me a lot of my grandma and that makes me think she would have loved to see me pregnant. As we drive back Shawn seems quiet and I know he's thinking about the talk he just had with his dad.

 " How was it?" I ask curiously.

 " It actually went great. I never thought I would hear my dad admit he was wrong." He says looking at the road. " He wants to be a part of Rose's life." This time he looks at me.

 " That's great." I say smiling at him.

 As we get home I sit on the couch taking my shoes off and taking a deep breath. I feel Shawn grab my leg and when I open my eyes he's sitting in the carpet massaging my feet.

 " I swear you're the best boyfriend anyone could have." I say closing my eyes. " God, this so good."

 " I'm sorry you get all the hardest parts in this." He says making me laugh. He starts kissing my legs until he gets to my thighs, lifting my dress up to give him more access.

 " Yeah, definitely the best boyfriend." I say laughing and running my fingers through his hair.

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