Chapter 12

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[Shawn's POV]

 I manage to take Camila back to my room and now we're in my bed as she lays on my chest. It took her awhile but she was finally able to stop crying. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not terrified of this whole situation, but I know she needs me to be strong for her right now. She's freaking out and that's honestly the type of reaction I would expect in this situation. I think I have to repeat it in my head a few times to realize this is real. She's pregnant.

 " I know we need to process this first but maybe it would be a good idea if you took a blood test so we can be a hundred percent sure." I say playing with her hair.

 " Yeah. That's a good idea." She says quietly.

 " Do you want to talk about it?" I ask with hesitation.

 " Maybe. I don't know." She says against my shirt.

 " I know this is not ideal but I'm here for whatever you decide."

 " I don't think I could get an abortion. I know myself and I know it would break my heart." She says sitting in the bed and taking my hands in hers.

 " I thought you would say that but I didn't want to push you to decide anything right now." I say sitting in front of her.

 " I know this sounds crazy and ten minutes ago I was breaking down because of it, but maybe this is a good thing. It's a part of you inside me and I can't give that up."

 " I love you so much, you know that. If you want to have this baby, then we'll have this baby." I say kissing her.

 " This is insane. We're going to be parents." She says laughing but with some tears rolling down her face.

 " I think if this was happening with anyone else I would be a mess right now, but with you it just feels like fate." 

 " You're so cheesy." She says laughing and hugging me.

 The next day we go to the university medical center inside campus so she can take a blood test and now there's no doubt at all that Camila is pregnant. We also scheduled an appointment next week so we can know how many weeks she's been pregnant and so she can start taking prenatal vitamins. Even though we freaked out at first, it didn't take us long to get used to the idea, but we decided to wait until after the appointment to tell our families and our friends.

In the meantime I took the label contract to my mom and we read it together, it turns out it was actually a good contract so she encouraged me to sign it. A few days later I came back to give Andrew the contract back and could finally be considered an Island Records artist. Two days later Camila and I find ourselves in the medical center's waiting room and Camila seems more excited about this than I thought she would be. One of the nurses calls her name and ask us to follow her, she guides us to a room and asks us to wait for the doctor. Five minutes later a woman in her thirties, who I assume is the doctor, enters the room.

 " Good morning, I'm Dr. Kacey!" She says taking her seat and shaking our hands. " And you're Camila, right? I see here you took a blood test last week to confirm the pregnancy." She says looking at a paper. " And you must be the father." She says looking at me.

 " Yes, this is Shawn, my boyfriend." Camila says taking my hand.

 The doctor smile at us and keep typing something in her computer. She gets up making her way to a cabinet in the corner of the room, then takes three bottles of pills and bring them to her table. She explains Camila how to take the vitamins and keep asking other questions concerning her last period.

 " If all of the information you gave me is correct you're probably around 6 weeks. If you'd like to we can do a transvaginal ultrasound to take a look at the baby and maybe hear a heartbeat."

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