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[Shawn's POV]

 I can't believe this is the day I get to marry the love of my life. I look myself in the mirror, I'm wearing a navy blue suit with a white rose on its pocket. My dad enters the room and looks at me proudly, something that before meeting Camila I never thought I would get from him.

 " It's time, your mom is waiting for you outside." He says smiling at me.

 As we get out I see my mom holding Rose in her arms, so I take her and give her a kiss that makes her laugh. Rose just completed one year last month but she's still the tiniest thing ever. She took her first steps a couple of months ago and was now an expert on it.

 " Thank God! There she is!" Sinu says taking her from my arms. " She's suppose to walk in with Lucy."

 Lucy and Rose will walk in with our rings, but apparently she keeps trying to find me all the time now that she can walk. Sinu takes her back saying is time for me and my mom to walk down the aisle. My dad is already back inside, leaving my mom kissing my cheek and saying how proud she is of me. We walk outside of the rented house and are welcomed with the sea breeze. Camila confessed her dream wedding was in the beach so there was no way she would get anything less than that. The guests look at me and my mom walking to the front and I see some familiar faces smiling at us. As my mom sits down and I stand in my place I feel nervous, but this is a good nervous, the one that means I can't wait to see Camila's gorgeous face. I take a look at the decoration she chose and of course there's flowers in all colors, but all of them in pastel tones, matching the white chairs. It's like a delicate rainbow, which matches her personality perfectly. Suddenly I hear the music start to play and Sophia walks in throwing flower petals in the air and no long after I see the girl of my dreams. She walks in with her dad and she couldn't be more breathtaking. In this moment I have a flashback to that first day when she spilled coffee on my shirt and how I couldn't stop looking at her because that's exactly how I'm feeling right now. We smile at each other during her whole walk to me and then her dad gives me a hug before I get to finally take her hands in mine. The officiant starts giving a speech but I don't think either of us are really paying attention to what he's saying, we can't keep our eyes off each other. Then I realize it's time for me to say my vows so I kiss her hands before I start talking.

 " Camila, I remember the first time I saw you, I was working at the cafe and you spilled coffee on me." I say making her laugh. " Even then I couldn't keep my eyes off you, and I had this date the next day with a girl Julia had set me up with but all I could think about was the beautiful girl that had spilled coffee on me the day before. I almost couldn't believe when I realized you were the girl I had a blind date with, it felt like it was fate somehow. I had never clicked do fast with anyone in my life, I knew right away you were the one. You brought so many amazing things to my life, not only your love but the inspiration for all of the songs I wrote from that moment on, and of course the most important one: our little Rose. You showed me what unconditional love is and for that I will be forever grateful. I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

 Camila has tears rolling down her face so I clean them with my hands. She takes a deep breath and squeezes my hands before speaking.

 " I don't know if mine will be that good but I'll try." She says making everyone laugh. " Shawn, I thought I knew what falling in love felt like before meeting you but you showed me how completed wrong I was. I remember when you played me 'Black and white' for the first time and how in that moment I was sure I was going to marry you someday. When I first suspected I was pregnant I was a mess but you were there to tell me everything was going to be okay. When I first looked at Rose's eyes I cried not only because I was holding our baby for the first time but also because she had your eyes. Your beautiful hazel eyes were the first thing that called my attention when I looked at you that day in the cafe." She says placing her hand on my cheek as my tears roll down. " I love you so much. Thank you for being the perfect boyfriend, the perfect dad, and from now on the perfect husband."

 Everyone in the room, including us, are crying and then Lucy and Rose walk in bringing our rings. Rose smiles when she sees us and run in our direction, leaving Lucy behind. I take her on my arms as Lucy gives us the rings and the officiant goes on to ask us what we've been waiting for.

 " Shawn Mendes, do you take Camila Cabello to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?"

 " I do." I say not taking my eyes off her.

 " Camila Cabello, do you take Shawn Mendes to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him forevermore?"

 " I do." She says looking straight into my eyes.

 We exchange rings and both our hands are shaking, which makes us laugh.

 " And now by the power vested in me by the state of California, it is my honor and delight to declare you married. You may seal this declaration with a kiss."

 We kiss each other like it's the first time all over again and when we pull away I see Rose in my arms clapping like everyone else. We hug each other with her in the middle, making her give us her cute little laugh. As we walk out hand in hand with Rose in my arms I know this was meant to be all along.


[Camila's POV]

I'm finally married to the love of my life and it's the most surreal feeling. I put my hands around Shawn's neck as we have our first dance to a beautiful piano ballad he wrote specially for today. I can't contain my tears as I hear his voice and the lyrics to it. Even though he's now a famous singer with two number one singles and I'm a renowned painter with my own gallery, right now it's like we're still two college students with big dreams in our heads. Being in his arms right now feels so right, like this moment was already written in the stars. He kisses me as the song ends and then my dad takes his place. I would never imagine I would get to dance with my father at my wedding, but here I am in the arms of the man who came back to my life unexpectedly. After a while I'm dancing with Shawn again with Rose in between us as other couples also dance around us. My mom comes take Rose so we can seat to hear the speeches and even though Niall is the best man, Julia is the one that gives my favorite one. We thought it would make sense for her to talk since she was the one who got us together in the first place. Our moms also give beautiful speeches that makes everyone cry. After they finish talking Shawn gets up and say he has a surprise for me, he walks to the front as his dad bring his guitar. I thought he was about to sing a new song, but instead he starts sing 'Black and white' and I think that's even more special. As he finishes the song I get up and kiss him already crying on how beautiful it all was.

 " I also have a surprise." I say in the mic so everyone can hear.

 My mom gets up and hands me an envelope, which I look at for a moment before giving it to Shawn. He looks confused at first but once he looks inside his expression changes to a surprised one. He takes the pregnancy test out of the envelope and I can hear everyone's excitement but I can only look at him right now.

 " Is this…?" He can even finish the sentence.

 " Yes. I'm pregnant." I say as a tear rolls down my eyes.

 He smiles crying as well and hugs me so tight I can barely breathe for a moment, this feels like the beginning of something really amazing. I never thought at twenty four I would have found the love of my life, much less be pregnant of our second child, but I guess life doesn't always go as we plan. Sometimes you find something really good without having to look for it.

                         THE END


A/N: This is it!!! Thank you so much to everyone who's been reading, voting and commenting! ❤❤❤

Fun fact: I was editing this to post when "Black and White" started playing on my spotify hahaha

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