Chapter 14

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[Shawn's POV]

 I thought I would miss college, but between Camila's pregnancy, the time in studio and my job at the cafe, I had my hands full. A week after graduation the record label put out my first single: 'Never be alone'. We already had a date for the EP to be out and it would include five songs: 'Nervous', 'Fallin all in you', 'Like to be you', 'Never be alone' and 'Black and white'. It will be out in a month and it is going to be called after the last song on it, since that was the first song I wrote about Camila and all of the others are also about her. The single doesn't make much impact but I honestly didn't expect to since I'm not known by the general public. I'm just happy to be finally working with what I love and have the opportunity to release this songs that I are so important to me. Camila seems even more excited about it than I am and I'm pretty sure she already knows the lyrics to all of them. 

 She started to gain a lot of followers on social media because of her paintings and people keep going to the gallery to buy her work. One day we were walking inside campus when a girl recognized her and asked for a picture. She was also an arts major so they started talking about classes and Camila even gave her a few advices on which professors to take.

 We started looking for a place just for the two of us but still couldn't find something that we could afford. We like living in my apartment but it'll get complicated when the baby arrives, since we share it now not only with Brian and Niall but also with Julia. Tomorrow we'll find out if the baby is a boy or a girl, so no need to say we're both really excited. Camila's baby bump is a lot more visible now at 16 weeks and it's honestly the most adorable thing.

 " Hey, baby. Can you hear me?" I say against her belly as we lay in bed, which makes her laugh.

 " Can you believe we're actually doing this?" She asks playing with my hair as l kiss her stomach.

 " I know, right? If someone told me a year ago that I would be doing this right now I would had say they were insane." I say putting my ear against her belly, trying to hear something.

 " Baby, you know what the doctor said. I'll probably only start feeling kicks at 25 weeks since it's my first pregnancy."

 " I know but she also said it could happen earlier, even though it's rare." I say caressing her belly.

 " You're so cute. I love you." She says smiling at me. " But I really need to pee."

 " Sorry." I say laughing and helping her getting up.

 She goes to the bathroom as I make my way to the kitchen to prepare something for us to eat. Camila is really trying to eat healthier because of the baby so I bought a bunch of different fruits earlier to make a fruit salad for her. As I'm cutting the fruits in slices, I feel two arms wrap around my torso and a kiss on my back.

 " What are you doing?" She asks not letting go of me.

 " Fruit salad." I say putting pieces of the apple I just cut in a plate and moving on to cut the strawberries.

 " Hummm." She says trying to peak from up my shoulders but she's too short to do so, which makes us both laugh. " Are those grapes?" She asks letting go of me and moving next to the fruits.

 " Yes, I bought them this morning."

 " Have I said how much I love you already?" She asks stealing some grapes and putting on her mouth. " I've been craving grapes."

 " I know, you wouldn't shut up about it. That's why I bought them." I say laughing, earning a side look from her.

 I finish cutting all the fruits and put them together in a bowl. I get a spoon and hand it to camila with the bowl, but she puts them both in the counter and tries to seat on it but fails.

 " Baby, help me, please? I think I gained too much weight to do this by myself." She says laughing.

 I walk to her, lift her up in the counter and settle myself in between her legs as she reaches for the bowl and the spoon. She starts eating as I wrap my arms around her waist and then starts feeding me as well. Suddenly we hear a click and a flash goes off making us look to the side.

 " Sorry, you two looked so cute. I had to take a picture." Julia says smiling. " Now keep on what you were doing before I interrupted." She says leaving the kitchen.

 We finish the bowl of fruits, Camila eating most of it, and head to the bedroom after cleaning up what we used in the kitchen. We go to sleep talking about the baby and how excited we are to have our own place.


[Camila's POV]

I wake up the next morning wrapped around Shawn's arms and I swear I'll never get tired of this. I start kissing his chest to wake him up but he only smiles without opening his eyes. I move my body so I'm on top of him and leave some kisses on his neck, making him open his eyes slowly.

 " I swear this is the best vision to wake up to." He says playing with my hair.

 " You're hair is wild in the morning, but you look cute too." I say making him laugh.

 We get up and Shawn goes take a shower as I check some emails I got from Kelly. When he comes back I get up go take a shower myself as he makes us breakfast. As I get out of the bathroom I smell pancakes and when I get to kitchen I can see I was right. We eat but as much as I love Shawn's pancakes, Julia's are better. We get downstairs to the parking lot and Shawn drives downtown so I can buy some painting materials I'm missing. Right after we head back to the medical center inside campus for my appointment with Dr. Kacey, where we wait around fifteen minutes in the waiting room. The nurse finally walks us to to her room where we sit and wait for her, who shows up not long after.

 " Good morning! How are you guys doing?" She asks taking her seat and smiling at us.

 " Great." I say smiling back at her.

 " Ready to find out the sex of the baby?" She asks us.

 "Yes." Shawn and I say at the same time making her laugh.

 She asks a couple of questions and writes some stuff down before asking me to change into a hospital gown. I lay down on the bed and Shawn holds my hand as we wait looking at the screen. It takes a while before she says something and we're both getting a little impatient.

 " Yes, I think I finally got it." She says looking at the screen. The she turns to us and smiles. " It's a girl."

 I feel tears rolling down my face as both Shawn and I put our hands over my stomach. I laugh and look at him before he leans down to kiss me.

 " It's a girl." I repeat what the doctor said looking into his eyes.

 " Rose." He says smiling at me.

 " Is that the name you guys chose?" The doctor asks.

 " Yes." I say smiling at her. Somehow this sounds like the perfect name.

 We make our way home smiling from ear to ear and extremely excited to tell everyone the news. As we get there Julia and Niall are in the kitchen and they look at expecting an answer.

 " It's a girl." Shawn says smiling.

 Julia screams and hugs me tight while Niall congratulates Shawn. Just then Brian, Alessia and Lauren show up and look at us confused. We tell them the new as well and everybody hugs us. This makes me so happy because I know she's going to grow up surrounded by so much love. Later on we facetime my mom and then Karen, and they're just as excited as we are.

 I'm standing in front of the mirror just in my underwear looking at my stomach and I can't help but smile thinking what she'll look like. What traits will she get from each one of us? Will she have Shawn's curls and hazel eyes? Or will she get my dark eyes and maybe my cute nose? As I keep wondering I feel two arms around me and a kiss on my cheek. Looking at both us in the mirror I just know that our little Rose will be for sure very cute.

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