Chapter one

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              Grace POV....

Tick tock tick tock

'Ugh! What's that annoying sound!

Tick tock tick tock

'Make it stop'!

Tick tock ti-

Slam!  The stupid clock goes off. I can finally sleep... I wonder why sleep is  much more better when you're about to get up because I'm so loving this position and nothing in the world can make me chan- "GRACE"!.... Ugh! I guess I said that too early. Mom five more minutes please!!!


"I'm up ma! " I squeak

"Good girl, now come get breakfast and then prepare for school"

I grudgingly make my way to the kitchen counter to retrieve my break fast however, on seeing my mom's facial expression, my face immediately  redecorates itself to that of an over excited cat. I know what you're thinking and no, I am not a coward. I just like to live with head on my neck. The way my mom's glaring at me right now is not helping matters and trust me, you don't want to get on her bad side: never her bad side. Yeah yeah, she's sweet and caring but, she could also be a vile creature 'sorry mom, don't hit me '. Don't even get me started about her morning attitude: that woman is no morning person, oh well at least I know where I got that from, smirks

"Wipe that smirk off your face before I do it for you " see?

"Sorry ma"

"Your dad called last night,  you we're sleeping.... "

Now I've really lost my apatite. I might have been over reacting about losing it before but now, now I hate this stupid breakfast. I'm starting to hate mom talking about it and even me for listening to it.  I don't get it! Why on earth do we still keep in contact with that man. I hate him! I hate him!


'I really hate him! I hate him!! I hat-

"Grace have you taken your pills for the day?  "

I wanted to risk a slap and say something snarky. The emotion on my mom's face however, stops me. I can  see it in her eyes 'concern  and...  Fear'  I've seen that face before and I do not like it: don't  even want to think about it, don't want to see it or feel it... It hurts!

"Grace" mom huffs

I know she cares.  I know she tries to loves me, she's one of the few i have after all. But, what I don't want is her pity; looking at me with subdued fear that crawls inside her veins and disguising it as motherly affection. I hate that! I'm a freak and I know it! Others make sure I never forget that so, why will my mom be any different? I mean.... This is hard, I'm so tired

"Baby, I don't know what is going on in your head but just know that I love you" all lies! She says that while her hands are shaking.   Love me my foot, I'm sure she  wishes that she never had me or at least I was normal like 'trinity' her stupid stuck up goddaughter. Pffft

"Mom I'm fine. Can I go now? I'm done eating and I'm almost late " that's the only reply that comes out of my mouth even if I want to say a lot of things and cuss quite a lot of people...

"Ok hun, love you!" All lies, stinky dirty lies. I'm sure you love trinity better oh and that red wine in the cabinet.

Tired of my own never ending thoughts, I get prepared and leave the house. The next stop is at my best friend's house... I reach for the door and

Knock knock

There's something I'd have you know about this person. Let's say um the person has a problem with dir-

"Is that soup stain on your shirt!  Oh my God grace that's super gross"! Well I tried to warn you all.

"Nice to see you too love. How was your night. Mine was too long and now I think I need a big from you" I grin and make my way to my best friend. 

"Eww! Stay away from me or else there will be some ass whooping for sure " poor guy is already red from not wanting the 'dirt' close to him.  I can't help but laugh at his misery. What? I'm a little sadistic as well don't judge me!
After an episode of trying to get my soup stain on him and his mom shouting at us in her language, we left in his car for school laughing like stupid idiots.
A quiet ride is what the soul needs at times. This is however cut short when Mr. Gruggin pants decided to speak

"Ok spill"

"What"?  I pretend not to know what he's talking about

"Grace I know you, we've been friends since we we're like what four? So cut the crap and spill" crazy guy. That however does not stop me at all. I tell him everything. Including things about my 'dad'.  I tell him because he understands and because to an extent, he is also like me: a freak!


"What is it Greg? " I look at the dark eyed boy. Its almost surprising how I see myself in him. We are so alike....

"You spaced out again and I just wanted you back. Look I know things don't make sense right now, I understand....  With time everything will sort itself out I know that so, let's forget about your stupid Dad and every other stupid person on this planet and let's  enjoy our time together"

Greg is a weird personality. He sometimes surprises me with the words that come out of his mouth. He's like a ball of perfection. He's too perfect... Unfortunately, that's his only flaw. See, Greg has been diagnosed with OCD since he was a child. In simpler words, greg is a neat freak  hence his tantrum earlier. Maybe that's why i feel a deeper connection with him, because we are so alike. A neat freak and a depressed bipolar sadistic being. Let's not forget the sadism. Short words used, I'm a sociopath....
Instead of dwelling on such hateful  things, I take his hands in mine and smile "wishful thinking bro, wishful thinking "

Greg shows me the 'shut up or I'll throw you out' face and I comply because I'm really not in the mood of walking to college. So instead, I lean over and kiss his right cheek. "Eww stop" stupid boy!
I still love him though like no other and I never fail to show it.  Platonically of course. We are too damaged to engage in romantic relationships or at least that's what the world says. Whatever

Greg makes his way to the school gates "are you ready? " is the first thing that comes out of his mouth


"But we'll get by just fine" is my reply... I'm no coward but this place really has a way of dragging a person's self esteem through the gutter. The struggles are real! Welcome to my school where the spawns of the devil live; where people like me have to be badass in order to survive ;a place that can either  make or mar you; the place that first planted suicidal thoughts in my head;the place that tagged me 'sociopath'...

Hello guys! If you've made it this far, congrats! The story will get much better and emotional, I promise... Get ready for this. Pls comment:I value constructive criticism. Vote and also share pls pls pls... I need people to read this story!
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