Chapter seven

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A thick line of bond that holds people together

A concept that revolves around two people; formed for support and trust

Formed for fun and lots

The bond of friendship is so strong yet, fragile; its entire existence is a wonder

For in friendship there is love;in friendship, there is also


This could be the reason why grace had an immense urge to wack the smoke out of her friend's head that particular afternoon.

The guy smoked like his life depended on it!

She wanted to hit him so bad that he wouldn't be able to walk home.

But she didn't. She didn't do such because irrespective of his actions  she knew dave was a good person and  this was just his coping mechanism. After all, he started smoking after he lost his mom at the age of thirteen.His actions were justified

Here they were this afternoon at the hillside of the city trying to relax their head or maybe, they were simply trying to escape the harsh realities of life at least, for a while. Thus, they enjoyed the quiet company. But it was too quiet



"You're so lucky I'm in a good mood or else I'd have beaten the stupidity of out you" the taller boy glanced at her direction and smirked

"I'd love to see you try"

'The nerve of this boy!' She thought. He was very provocative and quite cocky. She ignored his statement though. Anything was better than the deafening silence they shared between them. They also needed some sort of closure. They knew that.

Another needless amount of time passed before dave spoke up again



"Promise me we'll always be ok no matter what?" Well she was not expecting that "promise we we'll always be together" he paused and glanced at her "as friends of course"

"Why won't we?"

"Just promise" the fear in dave tone had grace full attention directed at him. In grace's mind, she'd always known that they'd still be friends even when they're old and wrinkly. There was no reason for doubts. They shared a bond. This is why she

"Promise" she grinned " I promise you man, I've got your back"

Dave held his pinkie to her face." Pinkie promise" grace looked at him weirdly and then snorted which resulted to a full blown laughter. "What is this! Kindergarten? Dave you're really unbelievable" 

Her laughter died down then, she wrapped her own pinkie on his and they sealed the deal. She promised they would be okay. She still laughed on the inside though, the entire situation was ridiculous!

Dave was definitely not sober!

That however did not bother her. She knew that they would definitely be okay


         Grace POV


That's the only thing swimming in my head right now. I don't understand anything and its really ugh!

Why did he kiss me?

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