Chapter five

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Something that Grace had been introduced to at the eager age of thirteen

Something that she'd been told would make her feel normal, better. What a waste! She thought

Grace never believed whatever they said. Never trusted their words for she knew what therapy was all about. A bunch of professional men and women awfully pretending to care about you;to want to know things about you that would help you get better. Therapists would do anything for their clients as long as they're able to suck the money off their clients. They're only human after all and more importantly, money talks

This had been grace's biased opinion for a long time towards the sour topic. She was already used to such kind of things after all, what she was not used to was the therapist she was given. No, it wasn't because of the therapists' age, or face or the suit and tie she always wore to their sessions or, the permanent frown lines on her forehead.

It was simply because this woman, Mrs. Brown knew a lot of things about her and never judged, never gave her a reason to feel weird. It was as if for once, grace was understood. It wasn't fake either, grace knew that: she felt it. Mrs. Brown truly cared and this felt almost surreal.

Grace always looked up to their sessions because then, she could really be herself. She did everything with full trust whenever her therapist was involved and had no reason for doubts. She told Mrs. Brown about her exploits, about her pain and what her deepest fears entailed. Though she was called sociopath, Grace loved her

And she knew

For she thought she'd found a friend

The breaking news of the evening however proved her wrong as she saw what she least expected

Mrs. Maureen Brown put a bullet straight through her head...

It felt weird. Grace felt numb and didn't cry. Her therapist killed herself because of a misunderstanding with her husband. She thought her husband was cheating on her and couldn't deal with it. It was also discovered that Mrs. Brown suffered from a mild case of victim mentality/syndrome but hid it under the umbrella of medicines. Thus, her reaction to her husband's actions

It all made sense to Grace now. Mrs. Brown understood her so well because she was just like her. Sick! Now everything really did make sense. It did. For, she saw a reflection of her life in Mrs. Brown's own. And then Grace wondered, she questioned

Would she end up like her therapist?

She hoped not. She might be different and sick but, she was also human. She might not feel things the way others did but she knew what she wanted. She knew she'd love to grow up and meet people; and love and hurt; and trust

Trust was quite far from her reach right now. For she drew close to someone and the result was this


Now she wouldn't rely on humans because they would always disappoint. So, she resulted to those lifeless oval-shaped pills for comfort. It was marvelous how the antidepressants did their jobs;no questions asked. They never judged. The drugs were good after all, they were designed to be like that

Drugs are taken for our own good

Now it doesn't seem like it. Not when the boy in front of her was badly battered and bruised. Not when his eyes clearly showed the truth

He was stoned. Simply drunk!

And this was the fault of drugs

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