Chapter 3

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The school cafeteria is a weird place. It is the one place at school that inhabit every kind of character: from the rich to the poor, the nice to the rude, from the all confident to a certain someone: someone who's had a problem with her self esteem. Someone who thought she was not worthy of anything good in life. That certain someone always squeezed herself at a certain spot in the cafeteria thus, it was no wonder how she was never acknowledged by another. She was simply invisible.

However, there was somebody in the crowd who saw it all and understood and wished for nothing more than knowing that closed up girl for she liked the mystery that surrounded the quiet  one. That somebody was Grace bov'e henshaw... She'd been observing the quiet girl for months and what she'd been seeing broke her heart. Thus, she made a resolution

She had to befriend the girl

Saying such things was quite easy however, accomplishing them was not. She'd tried every possible method she could think of but, the other was simply not interested. Even Greg had reasoned with, pleaded and threatened her to let it go but no, grace was adamant on achieving her intended goal.

It was this particular lunch break that grace decided to try again. She got her lunch and grabbed Greg along with herself to the supposed 'space' of the girl. Sitting down, she was welcomed with an awkward stare coming from her subject of interest

"Hi" grace declared while arranging her things on the lunch table

She was however graced with the never ending silence which if you ask her was no longer a new thing as long as her 'acquaintance' was involved.

"I'm eating lunch with you" she stressed further.

"What's your name" she tried again

"I like your glasses! It really looks cool on you"! She spoke again. Greg was getting annoyed. Its obvious the girl was not interested in them.

Shaking his head, he tried to remove his friend from the scene by dragging her arms "come on, let's go. She's obviously not interested"

Yanking her hand off she whisper yelled " I'm not going anywhere! What's wrong with you Greg? You're supposed to be a good best friend and support me"

Greg was having a mental discussion in his head that his best friend was becoming quite obsessed with the matter. He knew her well enough. Once she set her eyes on something, she never stopped until her aim was achieved. After all, she sat for hours explaining how she saw something good, something unique  in the quiet girl. In his own opinion what he saw was an awkward girl with glasses and braces

"Come on, grace don't stress it. We can try again another day. I don't want lose my lunch I just ate over petty arguments with you"

"Then go" she seethed

His friend had a way of blowing things out of proportion. Not making an effort to stand up, she glared at him like her life depended on it. Their glaring contest was however rudely interrupted by  a fourth presence

"Well what do we have here? Looks like the freakish freaks have decided to have a house party eh?  You guys are so lame. Yeah, what are you looking at four- eyes"

The quiet girl's stare immediately redirected itself to the cafeteria floors. Grace however decided to be hero by stepping up"don't you dare talk to her like that, Aaron! Or else"

"Or else what? " the annoying boy was pushing grace's buttons. But he knew better. He knew exactly what she was capable of. After all,  He'd seen her break his friend's nose a couple years ago. He'd hate to admit it but deep down, he knew he was scared of her.

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