Chapter ten

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The lily is white

The rose is red

The people desire

My heart that’s bent…

                                  Stanley Archie

             STANLEY POV

Messed up...

If there’s a certain phrase to explain my existence as a human specie, that would be it.

Right from the day I was born, i’ve always felt something was off with me no, not me_ it’s my life. No, I’m not diagnosed with cancer or some terminal disease. I’m not an alcoholic like Dave or even like her… I’m not even gay nor do I have some weird fetish or guilty pleasure.

I had the perfect wealthy stuck-up parents who never failed to provide for me; I had the perfect grades and the perfect life was a typical jock stereotype well, except the fact that I’m Einstein himself.

Good! Then I should have nothing to worry about right? Right? So why do I feel like this inside?

Empty… like a well without water. Like a soul without meaning…. It worries me.

I mean I have the perfect lifestyle so, what went wrong? Why is it never enough for me? Questions. Questions. They’re the only things that flood my brain these days; keeping me in captivity and even more confused.

But yeah, I got some answers to my questions. I did.

For example, I was a stupid bully because I was jealous, jealous that Grace  got more attention than I was given.

Even when we were younger, all she had to do was sneeze and BAM! mother and father would be all over her like she was some fragile little thing.

I was never given such treatment. Even when I would get hurt or sick, mother would tell me to---

“Suck it up and act like a man”

Or as father would prefer to express it in his scruffy voice

the world has no place for weaklings; you have greater responsibilities than you could ever imagine so stop acting like a girl and grow up”!

I mean for pete sakes, grow up? I was around eight for crying out loud! How much growing up could an eight-year-old process.

But I still tried though, I tried to act more mature than my age because I thought it would make my parents more proud. I did things like a pro and acted like a snub. After all, I’m the sole heir of the Archie corporation.

But with time, I realized that no matter how hard I tried it was never enough. MY parents still gushed over grace like a fragile little puppy and they totally ignored me which I started to find irritating and disturbing.

Please don’t hate me ok? I was a very sensitive and hateful person when I was younger. This was why I took the only way out.


Bullying made me feel superior as a child. It helped me to feel better. It made me feel important and I was proud of it. I thought my parents would be too after all,

‘they wanted me to act like a man’

So I did.

Men don’t cry; men don’t share; men don’t love and most certainly great men are superior to women. That’s why I never questioned it whenever father hit mother…

He hit her hard and I watch her cry…

Because that’s what being a man entails; no weakness.

He was my role model

So sitting on this stupid chair glaring at the tag on the desk reading CEO does no justice to my thoughts as I’m constantly drifting in and out of the real world, thinking hard on my situation.

On the outside, I have the perfect life with the perfect parents but deep inside, I’m nothing but an empty canvass with the spawns of satan living as my parents.

Trust me, it gets much worse than I have explained.

But I deserve it you know… this life of materialistic emptiness. Its mine to bear and I’ll live it.

It makes me wonder why I kissed grace at that time? Was it because my life was a mess and I was really looking for some kind of affection? After all, my parents were having a very uncomfortable conversation with me that day.

Am I into her or just plain crazy? Or was it because of something else. Questions, questions once again.

But unlike the other time, I have no answers for this. I can’t.

They moved. A year ago. Three months after our kiss, the Henshaws relocated.

Made me wonder why?

But I stopped wondering though. I have my life to live remember? the others also stayed away after Grace moved except Dave, yeah that Dave. We are best of friends now. If you subtract the shoving and kicking and punching from time to time, we are good and I plan on keeping it that way.


Cocking my head to the side, I receive the stupid call that interrupted my thoughts only to be entertained by the same unavoidable news

Rushing home to the scene, I wave at paula, the housekeeper as an entertainment to her greetings. My mind is not with funny housekeeper. Not this time because covered in the stinky-smelly vomit is none other than Mrs. Mathew Archie

In other words, my beautiful mother presently looking like a wreck with the detached appearance she’s wearing, looking half dead while mumbling incomprehensive nothings to herself

Yep the one and only mother I have is here drowning in her own vomit while her ‘husband’ is out having fun on his business vacation.

Did I forget to mention that she’s an alcoholic. BIG WHOOP!

When I say my life is messed up, do you now have any objections?

_________, ________, _______, _______,

Omigosh!!! Wow, ladies and all we got to hear from our Stanley’s side today. How was it?
Guys I’m so sorry for being away. It was bad of me but, I NEED the motivation to go on. this story could be really good with your constant support so help me out yeah? So view, comment like and share. Till next time, love you guys❤
  ___ SUZAN

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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