Meeting my family

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Autumns POV
Today is the day of our family dinner. And the day where my boyfriend of two months gets to meet my family. Well he already met my parents but just briefly. Well and of course my twin sister Summer. But he didn't met my older brother Chase such as my younger sister Daisy. And he didn't get to meet all the significant others which includes Chase's girlfriend Lucy and Summer's boyfriend Lucas.
I'm currently getting ready for the dinner as Summer walked into our shared room with a red dress in her hand. " Here you should wear this tonight." She said as she handed me the dress. She was always the mir fashionable twin of us. And to be honest I don't mind it. There for I'm good at other things such as singing and dancing. Summer is wearing a dark blue dress with white high heels. And she paired my dress with black high heels. Jup we are these typical opposite twins even though we look exactly like each other.
We heard the doorbell downstairs so I quickly went to the bathroom to change. I already did my hair and makeup so everything is fine. We walked downstairs and I opened the door to reveal Johnny standing there with white shirt and black jeans and three bouquets of flowers. "Wow you look amazing baby" he said as he went in for a kiss. He handed me a bouquet of red and white roses and stepped in. My favorite flowers. He hugged Summer gave her a bouquet of her favorite flowers and we went into the living room. Lucas and Lucy were already here so everyone was just waiting for Johnny.
Summer went to sit on Lucas lap while I got to the kitchen to get some vases for the flowers. I also took my moms flowers from him before they get dry. I came back and introduced him to my mom. They seem to get along very well. But now comes the hard part. My dad and my brother. They've always been very protective about me and Summer . And I remember that they took a very long time to get used to Lucas. 4 months to be exactly.
I went up to them with Johnny holding my hand to comfort him. You could tell that he was extremely nervous. He first went up to my dad. This could get funny. " Hi sir. I'm Johnny. And I really would like to continue to go out with your daughter because she means the world to me. Only if you approve of that. Of course. I really respect you and your decision." He said in a high voice and really fast. Man this boy was REALLY nervous. My dad stared him into the eyes and you could see every single pearl of sweat on his forehead.
My dad started to crack up and let out a small laugh. " Of course you're allowed to date her son" he said as he embraced him in a quick hug. I was shocked and you could clearly see that Chase was even more confused as me. " By the way kiddo you can call me Dave" he said and gave him a sympathetic smile. I was even more confused right now. But oh well now it's my brothers turn. " Hello I'm Chase but for you it's Mr. Brooks." He said in a harsh tone. Johnny gulped a few times. Well we all didn't expect that to happen. " Babe calm down" Lucy said as she hugged his side. "Hi I'm Lucy. I'm his girlfriend" she said as we gave Chase a kiss on the cheek. " No I'm not calming down. He just wants her for her body and to get into her pants. I know guys like him." He said clearly annoyed. " No I don't I really love your sister with my whole heart and I would never let anyone or anything hurt her." John said as he hugged my side. " Whatever" Chase said and went upstairs. " Chase Zachery Brooks come downstairs. Now!" My mom yelled up the stairs but the only thing you could hear is his bedroom door slamming close. " I try and talk to him" Lucy said making her way upstairs.
" I'm so sorry for his behavior. He's usually not like this." My mom said to John. "It's okay Mrs. Brooks. It's really no problem" he said. " Please Call me Katie" she said and gave him a heartwarming smile.
We're now sitting around the dining table and Lucy somehow got Chase to come downstairs.
But you can clearly see that he's not having it. " So Johnny, what are you planning on doing for a living?" My father asked while taking a bit of his food. " I'm a musician. I started doing covers on YouTube when I was eight and now I'm writing my own songs and go on tour" John said with a smile on his face. " Oh so you don't have a real job great" Chase said while he rolled his eyes. " Um excuse me but being a musicians a real job and it takes a lot out of you" I said being even more annoyed of him than I was before.
"Oh shut up Autumn what do you understand about the music industry" he said raising his voice a little. " Clearly more than you do"
" Can you two just stop fighting for a second. You're giving me a headache" Summer said holding her head while Lucas gave her a forehead kiss.
" Whatever I have enough of this" Chase said standing up. I also got up and went after him. We ended up in the living room.
" Why are you like that" I asked him at the verge of tears. " What do you mean?" He asked sitting next to me on the couch.
" You clearly annoyed from me having a boyfriend. Why can't you just be happy for me?" I asked him while now single tears are running down my cheeks. He wiped them away with his thumbs and gave me a forehead kiss. " I'm like this because I don't want to loose you like I lost Summer." He said. " What do you mean? You didn't lost Summer and you will not loose me" I said giving him a confused look. " You, Summer and I used to do everything together but since she's with Lucas she gave all her attention to him and she doesn't do anything with us anymore. So it's just you and I. And now you have Johnny and I just don't want to loose you and have to do stuff alone. Of course yeah I have Lucy but it's just not the same."
My heart was breaking right now. He's right since summer was dating Lucas she rarely did anything with us.
" But I'm not like Summer. Sure we might be twins but I would never miss any of our meet ups at the mall or one of our movie nights. Trust me, nothing can keep me away from spending time with my favorite brother" I said hugging him. " But I'm your only brother" he said chuckling a little. " Might be, but I wouldn't want anyone else to be my brother.
Now let's go back to them their probably worried about us" I said standing up.
We sat back down in our seats. " Listen Johnny I'm really sorry for my behavior towards you. I was just scared that I'm gonna loose my sister to you. I'm really sorry and i hope you accept my apology."
" Of course and I would never want to take your sister away. I myself also have three sisters and I would have the same fears. So I completely understand you. And I hope it's now okay for you if I date your sister?" He asked intertwining our hands.
" Of course I am" he said and glanced him a smile.

Wow that was a long one. 😅
I hope you like my stories so far and if you have any Ideas or you want to be involved in one of my stories just text me.😊

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