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The sun wasn't even shining and nii-chan's screams could already be heard through out the house. My eyes still closed, my brows furrowed more with every word that came out of his mouth. Finally I had enough, "WILL YOU GIVE IT A REST KOTARO" I screamed from the comfort of my bed. Silence, he probably wasn't prepared for me to use his first name. Silence was such a rare thing to have in our house, but finally he responded, "BUT KATSU-CHAN ITS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!" Slowly I opened my eyes and looked at my alarm clock was it really only 6A.M?

Blinking a few times I finally started waking up. I sat up in bed and stretched a bit, that's right, it's my first day of high school. I was looking forward to meeting new friends, hopefully seeing old ones, and beating my brother when it came to grades but most importantly I was super excited for volleyball! I put on my uniform and walked to the bathroom across the hall, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and put on some light make up. Walking down the stairs I see nii-chan reading his favorite magazine, Monthly Volleyball. He always reads the entire magazine in one day, and then slowly rereads the magazine until the next one comes in and he can repeat the whole process over again. Thinking about it makes me laugh. After hearing my laugh he looked up at me, and I realized his mouth was completely stuffed.

With a mouth full of egg and toast he smiled and in a muffled voice said, "I made you breakfast Katsu-chan!" I let out a snort when I saw yolk dripping down his chin. "You're disgusting nii-chan, now close your mouth before you choke. I also assume you only made me breakfast because you want me to pack your bento?" He smiled again and chuckled a bit, finally swallowing the food that was in his mouth loudly proclaiming, "your bentos are always so good looking!!" I thought about it for a moment, I had already prepared mine the night before, and I knew that we would most likely be having lunch together today. If I don't make him his own bento then he would 100% take food out of mine. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, "alright fine, is there anything specific you want for lunch today?" He shook his head stuffing his mouth full of toast again while looking down at a new magazine article.

I sat down, scrolled through some online volleyball articles and ate my breakfast. After we both finished eating, I made nii-chan do the dishes so that I could fix his lunch. Finally at 6:50 we were slipping on our shoes and heading out the door walking towards Fukurodani Academy. The school was only a thirty minute walk away from the house, so that was nice. We took our time and at some point we came across a stray cat which I eventually had to pull nii-chan away from. "If you want to practice a bit before school starts then we need to get going!" I said pulling on the sleeve of his uniform jacket.

He groaned but followed accordingly, "Katsu-chan, but the kitty is so cute!" I rolled my eyes, finally letting go of his jacket as he caught up and started walking next to me again. I looked up at him, "are you excited for volleyball this year?" He gave a deep full hearty laugh, "HEY HEY HEY! When am I not exited for volleyball!" I started laughing with him and in between laughs I was able to say, "you're right, you're a total meat head and volleyball dork." He looked down at me with a big grin and stated, "so are you though!" We both finished laughing as we saw the Fukurodani gates.

7:20, and we finally arrived at the school, I put my hair up into two messy buns, and got changed in the restroom while nii-chan got changed in the boys volleyball club room. We both jogged towards the gym, but after spotting each other immediately broke out into a sprint racing into the gym and towards the supply closet. I touched the door first and let out a triumphant yell. "I'm still faster than you nii-chan!" He rolled his eyes and started opening the door, "I don't know how since you've got such small legs?!" After setting up the net I rolled out the volleyball cart and pushed it towards him. I gave him a teasing look, "maybe this time you'll land a serve or two." I laughed and walked to the other side of the court getting into a ready position to receive the ball. He looked at me kind of annoyed. I just gave another laugh and called out, "COME ON ACE!!" He threw the ball up, took a few steps then jumped up and cleanly served the ball over the net. Unfortunately for nii-chan my receive was just as clean as his serve and after hitting my arms spun perfectly back toward the setter position.

After another thirty minutes and a lot of convincing on my part we finally started putting everything away. Nii-chan locked up the gym, we got changed back into our uniforms, I let my hair down again and after stopping by our shoe locker to change into our indoor shoes we finally started walking towards our classes. I was in class 1-6, which was the college prep class, as we got closer to the door, I started joking with him again, "does it feel bad that your sister is in the college prep class and you're not nii-chan" I started laughing when I was interrupted by his answer. "No, not at all. I'm very proud that you're able to keep your grades so high while still being extremely talented at volleyball." His voice was serious and caring, not a hint of sarcasm. I looked up at him in shock, "who are you and what have you done with my nii-chan!?" He gave another full hearty laugh, turned and gave me a bear crushing hug lifting me off the floor. "" I breathed out while he was holding me. He put me down, ruffled my hair and walked away towards his own class. I fixed my hair, turned to face the door, slid it open, and was extremely hopeful for what the next three years would bring.

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