Ch. 5

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Akaashi was still looking at the bento in his hands when nii-chan finally came through the door leading to the roof. "Katsu-Chan what did you do that for?" I just glared at him as I pulled out my own lunch from my bag, "it's rude not to accept people's gifts, even if you don't accept their feelings." He sat down across from us with the small bento in hand, finally getting a good look I saw that it was wrapped in a cute pink wrapping that had small hearts on it. I looked over at Akaashi, "you can have that one since my brother will definitely be eating the one he just received." Finally Akaashi looked up, "are you sure, didn't you make this for Bokuto-San though?" I smiled, "I did but seeing as he got one from someone else, and seeing as you don't have a lunch you might as well have that one." Nii-Chan was pouting, "but Katsu-Chan, your cooking is the best, it almost rivals moms! The one from that girl isn't going to be nearly as good." I glared at him again, then rolled my eyes. "Nii-Chan my cooking isn't that good." Akaashi cleared his throat next to me, "actually it is really good." I looked at him and he had another small blush on his face, why is he so cute. We continued eating until the bell rang and we made our way back to class, I took the wrapped bento my brother had received and when we got into class I put it on the girls desk. She looked up at me a bit confused and I just smiled at her, "nii-chan really enjoyed it, he ate everything." She blushes then gave me a big smile, "thank you so much for telling me!"

The rest of the day went by as normal, finally when classes were dismissed Akaashi and I walked towards the gyms. We walked to club activities together all week, and I liked that it had become a routine. We went our separate ways, and I got changed in the club room, but before I could enter the gym I was stopped by a tall boy, "excuse me are you Bokuto Katsumi?" I nodded my head a bit confused, and he handed me a small letter. I was shocked, was I receiving a confession!? He bowed, "My name is Teramoto Masato, I'm a third year and I haven't stopped thinking about you since I saw you on campus the first day of school." I could see his ears were pink, "well I really appreciate the compliment, but uhm I should really head to volleyball practice, I'm sorry." I took the letter, bowed slightly and walked into the gym closing the doors.

Akaashi POV

After getting changed in the club room I went to enter the gym but bumped into someone, "oh I'm sorry." I looked at the guy who looked like he was a third year, he looked at me upset then kept walking towards the girls gym. I watched as he caught Katsumi right before she could enter the gym. Do they know each other? "Oh is Katsu-Chan receiving a confession?!" I heard Bokuto-sans voice coming from behind me. Wait?! A confession!? I looked over again and saw the guy bowing holding out a letter. I shouldn't be to surprised, she's beautiful, kind and talented. "HAHA rejected." Hearing Bokuto-sans voice brought me out of my thoughts, Katsumi was bowing then entered the gym slamming the gym door in the guys face. I chuckled a bit, but saw that Bokuto-San was about to completely lose it, he couldn't hold back his loud laughs, so I just pushed him inside the gym, "it isn't funny to laugh at someones rejection Bokuto-San" he kept laughing, "oh come on Akaashi, you started laughing a little as well! I know it! Anyways come set for me a bit" I quickly learned that when he said a bit it usually meant for hours on end.

Katsumi POV

As soon as I closed the doors, the girls bombarded me with questions. I laughed them off explaining that it's usually my brother who received confessions. "Why did you turn him down!? He was a cute third year!?" Laughing again I said, "I barely know him, I only just found out his name, if I'm going to date someone, then I'd rather have a friendship with them first." We all heard coaches whistle and immediately turned around, "PRACTICE STARTED FIVE MINUTES AGO! GET RUNNING LADIES!"

After practice I got changed, said goodnight to the girls and headed to the boys gym. Nii-chan was still practicing a few spikes while Akaashi was tossing for him. I sighed, he always pushes himself to hard, and if someone's training with him then he pushes them to hard as well. I walked into the gym, "I think it's time to call it a night boys!"
The ball hit the other side of the net with incredible force, Akaashi looked at me, his eyes looked great full, "but Katsu-chan I could go for a few more!" I shook my head then started to gather the balls on the empty side of the court. Akaashi started to roll the ball cart over to me and nii-chan just sighed, "so Katsu-chan how did it feel to get your first confession?" I looked up at Akaashi rolling my eyes, "he doesn't know anything about me expect my name and that I play volleyball." He smiled at me softly, "Akaashi and I both laughed when you slammed the gym doors in his face, my favorite part of the day honestly." I blushed a bit, "I wasn't trying to be rude, I just wasn't sure how to respond, so I took the letter then closed the doors. Can we go home now please?" I pushed the cart into the storage closet and walked out of the gym.

The boys had practice on Saturday morning, so I decided to clean the house, that way I wasn't distracted by nii-chan. My phone rang around 1pm,
Practice is over, the first and second years are coming over to have lunch and study. Mind making lunch for us?

Sure, but I just cleaned the house, so please try not to immediately ruin it when you walk in!

I turned my music back on and started on lunch for the boys. Thirty minutes later I started putting plates onto the table along with all the food, singing along to my playlist. After setting the table I finally looked up and saw half of the boys team looking at me. I started blushing a bit, but it got worse when I made eye contact with Akaashi and he had the biggest smile of all. "KATSU-CHAN IT SMELLS DELICIOUS, I CANNOT WAIT TO EAT!" I heard nii-chan call from the front door. I quickly turned around, turned off the music and made my way back to the table wiping my hands on my small apron, "uhm, I made curry, and a few rice balls with different fillings. Please feel free to sit down and eat." The boys all obliged, "Thank you for the food" we all started eating, nii-chan was on my left and Akaashi was on my right, he still had a small smile on his face. "You know this happened last time we had lunch here Bokuto-Chan" Hakuri said. "Although last time you didn't have that cute apron on." I blushed more, "oh yeah, I got it for Christmas." Akaashi looked over at me and smiled, "Katsumi-chan, do you think you could help me with the math homework we got yesterday, I finished it last night but I'm not totally sure if I did it right." He took a bite from the rice ball he was holding. Chan! He just used my first name and said Chan! I took a sip from my water hoping it would cool me down and that nii-Chan wouldn't see my ears burning. "Sure Akaashi-san, as long as you can help me with the literature homework." He nodded and we finished eating.

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