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Nii-chan immediately caught me in a bear hug as soon as I came into view, "OH KATSU-CHAN I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!" I sighed, "Please put me down nii-chan, I'm doing fine." As he slowly placed me back on my feet I looked at Akaashi to see him smiling at me, cute, "We were all pretty worried about you, but seeing that you were able to get to the infirmary by yourself, I knew you'd be alright." I smiled at him, "thank you for your concern, although we should all get back to practice." As I started to make my way past the two boys I looked down and saw my bag being held by Akaashi. Nii-chan was the first to break the silence, "After you got hit in the head the coaches decided to end practice, we just got done cleaning, so we decided to come get you." I nodded, then went to take my bag from Akaashi, he pulled it away from me, then threw it over his own shoulder.

I looked up at him confused, "I just don't want you doing any extra work if you don't have too, I know you said you don't have a concussion, but that hit knocked you to the floor pretty forcefully. Don't want you doing any extra work if you don't have to." Akaashi smiled at me. Nii-Chan nodded and put his arm around my shoulder, "He's right you know, can't have you hurting that pretty little head of yo-" Akaashi looked at him deadpanned, "You're the one who spiked the ball into her head Bokuto-senpai..." we both looked at him a bit surprised. "HAHAHAHAHA" I grabbed my stomach, it hurt so much from laughing at Akaashis comment, and how my brothers face immediately deflated. I was still laughing when I looked at Akaashi, "you don't have to call him Senpai, it will only inflate his ego." I wiped a tear away from my eye as I calmed down and started walking towards the school entrance.

We finally left campus and all walked in the same direction, Akaashi still holding onto my backpack. "Your save in the earlier part of the game was really good Bokuto-san." I smiled, wow I'm smiling a lot whenever I'm around Akaashi, " You don't have to call me by my last name, it's going to be confusing with my brother around." I looked up at him, he started blushing, "Oh, well then is it okay if call you Katsumi-San?" I nodded, the way he says my first name is so sweet and comforting. I looked over at nii-chan, he's been uncharacteristically quiet. He was smiling down at his phone, "what's got you so distracted?" He quickly put his phone away, "Nothing!" Akaashi and I just looked at each other, both shaking it off. We both kept talking about the game, our homework, and other small things. Eventually Akaashi handed my bag back to me, we waved goodbye and he continued walking. "He's cute , right?" I heard Kotaro's voice whisper, I turned around blushing, "Y-Yeah, wh-why does it matter?!" Why am I stuttering and why am I so jumpy. He just laughed as he unlocked the house door and we both went inside. "After you left the gym, he sort of started freaking out, saying someone should have gone with you, even scolding me a little for not being careful.. HA as if I can control YOU daydreaming and not paying attention" I blushed more, and I could finally feel the heat on my face rising. I slipped off my shoes trying hard not to look at him. "How did you know I was daydreaming?" Nii-Chan just laughed, "I've known you your entire life, I know when my little sister doesn't have her head completely in the game, he ruffled my hair and started making his way up stairs.

I sighed and grabbed my cheeks trying to relax. I wouldn't say I was daydreaming, just thinking of how impressive Akaashi was with his sets. I went into the kitchen and found a note on the kitchen table that read, "Dinner is in the fridge, just have to warm it up. I'm working late tonight, please make sure you both do any homework you have... love mom." I smiled, she works herself to much.. Turning to the fridge I pulled out the food and warmed it in the microwave, "Nii-chan dinner is ready!" He rushed downstairs and quickly took his seat, I laughed at him, he only really cares about food and volleyball. "Thank you for the food." We said in unison and started eating. After dinner we both did the dishes and headed upstairs to our own rooms. My first day of high school was nice, I changed into pajamas and layed in bed. Turns out I was exhausted because as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.

The rest of the week passed by quickly, nothing exciting happened. Although on Friday as we were dismissed for lunch, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I saw Akaashi looking down with a slight blush and small smile, "would it be ok if I joined you and Bokuto-senpai for lunch?" He is just so cute. "Of course Akaashi-san, and you seriously don't have to call him senpai, please for my sake, I'm the one who has to deal with his boasting at home." We both stood up and made our way out of the class, before we could reach the door a girl pushed passed both of us and reached nii-chan before we could. She stopped in front of him, her blush completely covering her face, she held out her hands and handed him a small bento. I rolled my eyes, not this again, even in junior high he always had a lot of admirers. I just couldn't believe that it was only the first week of school and the confessions already started. "Please Bokuto-senpai have this bento for lunch, I made it myself this morning." Wow she didn't stutter.. Most girls who confess or give him gifts usually stutter, because they're so nervous. He started reaching into his bag and I realized he was about to break this poor girls heart by pulling out the bento I made for him last night. Even if he didn't accept her feelings I still felt it was rude for him not to accept her gift. "Actually I alre-" I quickly ran up to him grabbing the bento, "oh nii-Chan thanks for remembering! I cannot believe I forgot to grab that." I turned back to where Akaashi stood, still a bit confused and I handed him the bento then grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the roof, "Uhm Katsumi-san where are we going?" I just kept walking but answered his question, "nii-Chan and I usually have lunch on the roof so that's where we're headed, I'm sure he'll meet us there shortly." We walked up a small flight of stairs, opened the door to the roof, the spring air feels so refreshing. We sat against the railing and waited for nii-chan to join us.

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