Ch. 2

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I walked into the classroom, and only saw a few people already in their seats. I made my way over towards the windows and took the second seat from the front. I don't like being directly in front of the teacher, but since I'm short I still have to sit where a tall person won't block my view. I slipped off my bag and slid into the seat. I took out a notebook along with a pen when i heard a voice behind me, "You play volleyball, what position do you play?" I turned around and saw a dark haired boy looking at me while putting a bookmark in his book. "How do you know I play volleyball?" I asked in return. He looked down at my backpack and pointed at the volleyball keychain hanging on the zipper. I started giggling, "oh yeah I always forget that's there, my brother got it for me as a present for my middle school graduation." I looked back at him and he was smiling ever so slightly, "that's sweet. Although you didn't answer my previous question." I started blushing,why though, why was I blushing. "I'm a Libero." He nodded and then opened his book again. "What about you, do you play?" I asked not wanting to turn around quite yet. Still reading his book he nodded his head, "I'm a setter." As soon as he finished talking our teacher walked in, said good morning and introduced himself.

The day went by smoothly and soon enough it was time for lunch. The bell rang dismissing us, and almost immediately I could hear nii-Chan's voice down the hallway. I quickly grabbed my bento and ran into the hallway making sure not to bump into anyone. He can really be such a child. "NII-CHAN YOU NEED TO STOP YELLING!" I called out as he finally reached me. Completely ignoring my statement he grabbed my hand and we ran up to the roof to enjoy lunch. While we were eating we talked about how classes were going so far and how we couldn't wait for school to end so that we could hurry to volleyball. As we were talking I kept thinking about the guy sitting behind me, how his gun metal blue eyes looked at me curiously while we talked about what positions we played. How sweet his voice was while answering my question and simultaneously reading his book.

"Katsu-chan.. Katsu-chan... KATSU-CHAN!" I jolted as I heard my name being directly yelled in my ear. I looked over and it was nii-chan, "why are you yelling at me, idiot?" He rolled his eyes and closed his bento, "it's time for us to get back to class, besides you've been ignoring me for a good five minutes now, come on." We both stood up and he walked me back to the first year room. "HEY HEY HEY! Thanks for lunch today Katsu-chan, do you think you could make them for me more often from now on?" Sighing I just nodded my head, "sure I can make yours the night before the same way I make mine. Sooner or later you're going to have to learn to do it yourself nii-chan." I gave him a quick hug and then headed inside. I heard his victorious yelling grow distant as he walked towards his own class.

I took my seat again and behind me heard a small growl, curious I turned around and asked, "did you have lunch yet? Uhhh" trailing off I realized I didn't know his name. "Akaashi Keiji, and no I packed a bento but it seems I forgot it, and I don't have any change for the vending machine." I giggled, "you don't seem like the forgetful type Akaashi-san. My name is Bokuto Katsumi." I pulled out my bento where I still had two rice balls left. "You can have these if you want, are you joining any clubs?" He bowed his head in thanks and then grabbed a rice ball and before biting into it he answered, "I'm planning on joining the volleyball club, they have this amazing wing spiker, whose spikes are super powerful." I smiled while listening to him, my head resting in my palms and my elbows on his desk. Our teacher for our next subject walked in, greeted us and called the class to order.

For a final time the bell rang announcing the end of all lessons, finally I could head to the volleyball gym. I stood up, looked at Akaashi and asked if he wanted to head to the gyms together. He agreed, thanked me and for the rice ball again. "Seriously it's no problem Akaashi-san." I said leading the way towards the volleyball gyms. We waved goodbye as we arrived at the second gym, Akaashi walked in and I turned to walk towards the first gym. I heard the sound of skidding shoes and volleyballs hitting the floor as I approached. I walked in and a few girls turned to face me. "Hello, my name is Bokuto Katsumi and I'm here to join the volleyball club." I bowed once I finished talking. A middle aged woman with short brown hair and brown eyes smiled and walked over to me, "do you have your club application form?" I nodded my head, and fished the paper out of my back pack handing it to her." She smiled again, "go ahead and get changed in the club room and we'll have a quick practice match with all the first years. Luckily there's six of you, perfect for a three on three." I nodded, turned around and headed out of the gym looking for the girls volleyball club room.

I knocked on the door to the club room waiting for a response in case someone was changing, "come in!" As I walked inside I saw a beautiful tall girl, she had a few freckles on her cheeks which brought out her blue eyes. She looked at me and smiled, "hello, my names Shimada Megumi, you can just call me Meg-chan though. I'm a first year." Shes super nice. "My names Bokuto Katsumi, but you can call me sumi-chan, and I'm also a first year" I said while walking into the club room, closing the door behind me. I started changing into my gym outfit and put my hair into two messy buns. As we walked out meg-chan commented on my hair, "you're hair is super cute makes you look like an adorable horned owl." I laughed with her, "yeah so I've been told, but it's the hairstyle that helps keep the hair out of my face." She nodded and we walked back into the gym. The woman from before walked up to us and called over four other girls, "My names Sando, I'm your coach, I cannot wait to see what you first years can do, so Shimada, Bokuto and Sera head to the left side court, while Masuda, Yogi, and Domen head to the other side." We were allowed ten minutes to stretch and warm up, and then the game began.

I did not draw this picture, all credit goes to the artist. I also changed the look of meg-Chan to be based on the short haired girl in the picture.

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