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Sera, Shimada and I sat in a triangle while stretching and were discussing our different strengths and weaknesses. "I'm a setter, and I'm pretty decent at blocking but my receives are still super shaky." Shimada said while her fingers touched her right foot and her forehead came down to her knee. As we switched legs Sera spoke up, "I'm a wing spiker, I was the ace for my old team in middle school, my receives are decent but my passing needs some work." As I reached and stretched in the middle with my elbows supporting me I said, " I'm a Libero, I can jump pretty high so my spikes are decent but my blocking is seriously lacking." We all took note of what the two could do and when the game started we each got into position.

Masuda was first to serve and it went nicely over the net. I received it and sent it directly to Shimada, as soon as the ball left my arms I started my approach. Jumping up I saw Shimada's face as she realized just how high I could jump, immediately setting the ball right back to me I slammed the ball right through Yogi's arms earning us our first point. As soon as I landed I heard Sera screaming, "YOU SAID YOU COULD JUMP! NOT THAT YOU COULD FLY!?" I laughed at her statement and waved my hands in defense, "my brother is super tall and likes to tease me by holding things over my head so I've learned how to jump really well." The entire gym laughed at my story but complimented my jump while Yogi looked at me and complimented my spike, I bowed my head and thanked her.

The game continued and Shimada, Sera and I won both sets, coach Sando called us over to give us some feedback. I grabbed a water bottle and towel then followed the others. "You all did really well, and Bokuto your receives we're fantastic." I bowed thanking her. She started again, "Now that we finished our practice match we're going to take you six girls and have you play against the first years from the boys team. Depending on how many first years they have, you might have to play against and upperclassmen or two." We all nodded and then headed to the second gym.

"Hello" we walked in the gym and greeted the boys in unison, as I looked up I made eye contact with gun metal blue eyes. Pretty. He nodded towards me and I waved back smiling, an ever so slight blush forming on my cheeks. "We have four first years, so we're going to have Bokuto-kun and Haruki-kun join." Takeyuki, the boys coach said. My eyes lit up as the coach finished talking, I scanned the room and found my brother drinking some water, I immediately ran up to him yelling, "NII-CHAN YOU BETTER NOT GO EASY ON US JUST CAUSE WERE GIRLS!" Before he could turn around I jumped putting my hands on his shoulders pushing myself up while jumping over his head, I landed on the ground and spun around laughing. "HEY HEY HEY KATSU-CHAN! What are you doing showing off how high you can jump!?" He laughed with me, everyone stared at us both in awe and confusion. "Alright let's get ready!" Coach Sando yelled from across the gym after collecting herself. I ran back over after giving nii-chan a hug and got into my position as Libero.

We started the practice match with nii-chan serving, and just like earlier this morning I received it perfectly, sending it directly back to Shimada. She smiled a bit, and set it to Masuda who spiked it very forcefully, but Haruki did a flying receive and sent it back to non other then Akaashi, I looked at how perfect his form was, I couldn't tell where he was going to send it, I felt light, I needed too, otherwise where ever the ball went I wouldn't be able to save it. The ball landed in his long hands and he sent it left, straight to nii-chan. I smiled, I loved receiving my brothers spikes, they're powerful. I'd never admit that to him though. He slammed the ball and I noticed something. The set was perfect. He... Akaashi set the ball perfectly to Nii-chan, I smiled more now. Nii-Chan hit the ball with a deafening blow, it was headed towards the back corner of the court. I quickly turned lunging forward putting out a flat hand and once again saved the ball. I heard Haruki in the background, "How the hell did she just save that, and how the hell did she get it back to the setter?!" As I turned back around I smiled a simple smile as I watched Shimada set to Yogi who instead of slamming the ball dinked it, finally scoring a point. I high fived the girls, and finally looked up, that's when I saw that Akaashi was smiling at me.

The game continued on, neck in neck. A few of nii-chans spikes did get past me, or they hit my arms wrong, which was super frustrating. Match point, and it was in our favor. Every set that nii-Chan got from the dark haired setter made me smile, Akaashi is really enhancing my brothers spikes, and I don't think he even notices it. I smiled more, but then as the ball came flying towards me I realized I was both daydreaming and positioned to far forward. THWACK! The ball hit the center of my forehead and sent me flying backwards, everyone's eyes widened when the ball flew back over the net landing on the back side of the court signaling the end of the game. I rubbed my head still lying on the ground. Nii-chan and Akaashi both reached my side at the same time, nii-chan was yelling, "OH MY GOSH KATSU-CHAN ARE YOU OK!?" I felt a headache forming, and as if he could feel my pain Akaashi looked at my brother and said, "please calm down Bokuto-senpai, you might give her a headache from yelling." We both looked at the setter, and while I smiled at how thoughtful he was, my brother looked as if he had accidentally just ran over someone's dog.

OH NO. SAD MODE. He shouldn't be in sad mode the game is over !? What's happening !? "Kotaro, I'm fine, believe me, that was an amazing spike, besides it was so powerful it made me fly towards the back of the court!" Akaashi looked between me and Kotaro, how he immediately went from really upset to perky in a matter of seconds. He looked over at me still concerned but now with more of a look of confusion. How are you still so cute looking that confused Akaashi-san.

"Bokuto-kun why don't you- uh the female Bokuto-kun." Sando corrected herself as both the sister and brother looked at her. "You can just call me Sumi-chan coach, that way it makes it easier." I smiled at her holding my head, standing up and steadying myself. She nodded and told me to visit the infirmary to make sure I don't have a concussion. I walked out of the gym and towards the infirmary, I ended up staying there for twenty minutes while she confirmed I did in fact not have a concussion. After leaving the infirmary I heard footsteps running towards me, then I heard yelling, "KATSU-CHAN WHERE ARE YOU-" and another voice, one that was much softer, more calm and enchanting, "Bokuto-senpai please stop yelling in the halls." As they rounded the corner I saw nii-chan and Akaashi, I smiled at them both and told them the good news.

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