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I've looked for 2 days now an I cant find him
Where could he be, and what is he feeling. I've called his phone been by his house even gone his job nothing. I even followed my sister around town in a borrowed car to see if she would met up with him but no luck.
I'm so fucking pissed off at him an so worried I cant sleep and food tastes bland.
I dont know who made love but they cant take this part out of it . . . ( tears fall and fall)

I've been punishing my self for what happened why did I loose control . What have a I become an how can I ever expect to be loved by her. Dammit  why did this happen to me. It's raining great way to punish me.  This bottle is gonna be my only real love if I cant think I cant feel. I hear some people can live their life thru a bottle

As the rain hits me I feel its icy burn on my skin and again I see her face. So confused and yet sacred. That's right great job fucked it up again .  YOU HEAR ME IM A SCREW UP
The rain wont answer me . Fuck u then as I hurl the bottle it breaks and I see again this damm tree.  You tried to kill me once but I didnt die. Punching over an over my knuckles are bleeding an I dont care. I grab the branch an climb as high as I can.  I see the lighting strike. I'M RIGHT HERE DAMMIT STRIKE ME NOW END THIS. With all the anger an emotion I let out a roar  DO IT NOW.............

I was headed to beach to see if maybe he slept there since he couldnt be anywhere else. As I pass his job the rain came down hard. Thunder an lighting clash so strong my heart is racing.  I make another turn an I feel anxious I need to find him. In front of me i see that tree an then out of no where I see him . Wet soaked punching the tree. I just sit an watch hes angry and hurt but I dont want to get in the way. As tears escape my eyes , my heart races again as he climbs on no dont be foolish I can sit anymore . I grab my umbrella and run towards him. As he screams . The lightning strikes again and I finally cant hold back as I scream his name

I thought the lighting was messing with me or maybe it's all the alcohol I drank.  I heard my name As if it was right next to me an then I saw her. Lost my grip an fell down right on my side . Damm that one hurt but I get up any way . We look at each other I'm all wet and I'm sure I look like death . She is crying but she still asks ..Are you hurt?

It doesn't matter anymore what ever happens your better off without me.
I cant remember ever being slapped let alone in the rain . It felt like fire hit me an I tensed up but she didnt back down.  Then the barrage hit me hand over hand she hit me again an again. She screaming at me too , but I cant make out what shes saying.  Then she stops an looks at me sad .

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