The real truth

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I cant belive how incredible it felt to wake up in his arms. I know we let it all out . He was amazing in bed , and everything i wanted and more. I didnt get a response when i told him that i loved him . i really didn't expect one thou. He is so closed off and temperamental about his feelings. We spent the last few days togethe and he seems happy to be with me . I over joyed with things between us just got to break him down and he will be all mine. i know now i need to go do so retail thearpy. After four hours of shopping I walk into the kitchen to see heaven drinking again. I tell her that the love that I have for him is growing and it makes me wonder how I can not want to scream it to the world. She asked if he was still good in the sack? I would be pissed but im not gonna let her ruin what i have. Yes he is and its better then i could have imagined . I even told him that I loved him and the look on his face I could tell that he loved me but I donât know how to get to the point, where he can say it . She just grabbed her purse and walked past me with out a word . Work seems to be out , cant really focus cause all i want to do is see him again. I pray for things to work out and i will also make sure they will i'm not letting him get away. I'll sleep tonight with a smile.

Today will surley be full of drama, I have to go see my sister today to get my niece we are going to go clothes shopping . As I pulled into the drive I see Heaven and Michael are arguing in the driveway . Neavea is screaming for them to stop . I run to her and grab her up she is screaming and crying but all I can do is get her into the house. I tell her look at me I will fix this, with her eyes sore she says pinky promise ? I give her my pinky and then head outside. Just as I reach the door Michael strikes her in the face ! I run full speed and knock him off his feet , he bounces back but as he looks at me he sees the switch blade I keep hidden in my jeans. He thinks twice about rushing me but he is pissed and screaming at both of us. I help my sister up and she doesnât even say thank you . Tells me to just take nene and leave for a while. I say NO what is this all about or I will make a phone call that will end all of this shit now ! She says Mike came home smelling like another woman and she is tired of cheating ways. On top of it all he gave her and std last month and he still says nothing is going on like im stupid or something.  Mike starts denying everything and getting louder . I scream ENOUGH at the both of them. First off don't have this argument outside for the world to see or in front of your daughter . Mike says if that is even my daughter.!, Heaven is floored and just starts crying.  Mike she left chance for you , she got pregnant by you she is with you .That man was damm near dead when she got pregnant and was with you the whole time . I Your too stupid to realize that you won. But lets not forget that night at the bar when he caught your ass with another woman when u was suppose to be home . I should have let him beat your ass ! Your ass aint shit but worthless ! With that I walk my sister in the house and call for Nene to come down so that we can leave before I hurt him. Heaven is sitting in the kitchen with a glass and I know that she is going to drink and then go soak. Its funny just looking at her now it seems as thou she has aged like ten yrs. I tell her I want to talk when I get back. She just waves her hand at the door so I take the hint and leave. Thou shopping seems to help neveah it doesnât do much for me, but I put on my best aunt face and try to have fun. Nene asks if we can go see chance I tell her I don't think that is a good idea, she asks why? He brought you  flowers and said sorry thats more then what my daddy does when he makes mommy upset and he does that a lot. I am surprised at how much she knows but then again she is my niece so I shouldn't . I told her I did forgive him and that he is probably working. With a giggle in her voice she says I don't think he is working on anything but the big burger he is eating in the restaurant over there! As I look in the direction I see him wearing his jeans and beater at the table and my heart just starts racing. Nene is saying auntie hey auntie lets go auntie do you hear me? Yes, yes, I . .uh . . ok lets go over there . She sprints past me and right to him with one bounce she is in his lap for a big old teddy bear hug. He holds her like a father would hold his daughter and suddenly I wonder why I would think of something like that. They are both smiles when I reach the table and he seems happy to see us . He finishes his burger and takes my hand in his and kisses my hand. I say hey there how are you?  He says just enjoying lunch and that he has to go back to work. I can feel my pulse racing and my stomach churning as he pulls me close to him . The smell of his Axe body spray takes hold of me and I raise my head to meet his eyes . Our kiss only last a few seconds but I feel like it was forever. I don't want to let him go but he breaks the hold and grabs nene . A tickle fest begins with her in his arms then a kiss on the forehead and he starts walking back to work! I love him and there is no denying I take nenes hand and we start walking to finish our shopping . Back at the house a didn't realize that Heaven was becoming alcoholic now she gives me the middle finger and asks what I am still here for. Simply I want to know how long he has been hitting you? She says he don't be hitting me, my but I know she is lying . I ask about their fight she says she caught him talking sexually  to some woman  on the phone. I asked why she just don't leave him ? Your to good to be with someone who isn't going to love you right. She looked at me and asks if that is why I am going after Chance cause I think I am better than her? She moves closer to me and says shes not stupid that I want everything she has got. I bust out in laughter at the thought but her face is so serious that I quickly pull it back in. First off Chance aint yours anymore , you let that die when u walked out on him yrs ago. I don't want mike he is not cute or successful or even my type. As for you dear sister, I aint jealous of you nor do I want your life I am happy living mine. And to be honest if I get my way Chance will finally get over the pain of you and trust me enough to love me that way that I love him ! The look on her face was fierce she said with out missing a beat he will never be yours he still belongs to me! your one selfish bitch and to top it off ur crazy too. She said just you wait and see. I get what i want .I walk away and in my car i can only say .So it stands that my sister still hasn't let go of him what do I do now ?

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