Rikiya Katsukame x Reader : No Problem

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For this one-shot you and Rikiya are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Rikiya , Hide me!" You panicked , Jumping next to Rikiya on the couch. Rikiya just head tilted. " What did ya do?"

You chuckled nervously , Clinging onto Rikiya's arm.
" I may have made irinaka mad." Rikiya just blinked a couple times , Trying to process your words.

" You? Made mimic mad? That's a first-"

" Rikiya.."

" Alright , C'mere cutie." Rikiya chuckled , Picking you up to put you behind him. Just in time , When Mimic ran into the room.

" (Y/n)..Where is that woman?" Mimic growled , Making you panic even more. Rikiya just waved mimic off. " I don't know , Check in with in Rappa or Overhaul?" Rikiya muttered , Watching Mimic grow more frustrated , Before He ran the other way.

" Is..Mimic gone?" You peaked out. Rikiya chuckled , Bringing you into his lap. " Yep , Mimic's gone."

You let out a deep breath. " Thanks Rikiya."

" No problem , Now we can cuddle!"

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