Kamui Woods x Reader : Puns

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The Tree man was requested.
For this one-shot you and Kamui are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended weirdly.

" Hey Hey! Nishiya! Guess what." You beamed , Hugging Nishiya from behind. Nishiya just hummed , Placing a finger to his chin.

" I don't know (Y/n)..What is it?" Nishiya questioned , Tilting his head a bit.

You just chuckled , Grinning widely.

" I fernly beleef my tree puns are qualitree. You can leef me alone , I don't care about your opineon if you disagreen."

You chuckled at Nishiya's unamused expression , Quickly pressing a kiss to His cheeks before walking away.

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