Jube Namimaru x Reader : Unfortunate?

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For this one-shot you and Namimaru are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" Welp...This probably wasn't what I expected." Namimaru muttered , Looking down at you. You fell asleep peacefully resting your head on Namimaru's chest.

Ichimoku looked over to his best friend , Pausing the video game that they were playing.

" Huh...That is unfortunate."

" How? I've got a beautiful person laying on me , How can that be-"

" You won't be able to move for an hour or two."

Realization hit Namimaru like a brick. Namimaru groaned quietly , Looking down at you once more. Namimaru looked at your peaceful face for a minute, Before grinning.

" Eh , For (Y/n) it's worth it."

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