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It hade only been ten minutes since everyone got to the nurse but to everyone it felt like an eternity.

Luckily Iida had got to recovery girl as she was closing up so she was able to check on izuku.

Momo paced back and forth, kirishima sat on a chair looking at the floor, Iida leand against the wall arms crossed looking at the ground, everyone was very concerned and most feared for the worst, except for mineta who was distracted by momos and minas boobs.

Recovery girl came out and everyone rushed to her. "is he ok?" everyone asked in uinoson.

Recovery girl looked at everyone and smiled " he's fine but needs to recover for a bit" she said " you may all come and visit him tomorrow"

Everyone gave a sigh of relief before thanking recovery girl before heading back to the dorms.

Everyone went to their dorms except for momo who decided to go to Izukus room and clean it so that he didn't have to do it (there was a lot of blood in his bathroom). Whilst cleaning his room she noticed two pieces of paper that were on his desk, next to an all might figure, she picked up one and began reading it.

If you are reading this it most likely means that I am dead. I just have a few things I would like to say to who evere is reading this 1st tell ochaco that I don't blame her for cheating on me and 2nd the reason I did what I did is not because ochaco cheated on me and I would like everyone to forgive her.

Momo hade a little tear in her eyes she then picked up the second piece of paper which was folded. On the front of the paper it said 'to momo'. She was a little shocked that he had written a special note for her

Dear momo
Thank you for trying to comfort me yesterday it meant a lot to me you may think you could of done better but trust me when I say that you did plenty. Before I end my life I would like to tell you som... It ended short.

When she finished reading the note she collapsed on to the floor and had a little cry 'I can't believe he would try and take his own life' she thought.

She looked back at the note and wondered what it was he wanted to tell her, she would have to ask him at some point. She put the note down and decided to go to bed and hopefully wake up early to visit izuku , luckily they had no lesson tomorrow so she had plenty of time to visit him.

She went to bed but couldn't stop thinking about izuku, 'why can't I stop thinking about him' she said to herself  'it's to be expected I guess but why is my heart beating so fast'

She sat up and put her hand on her left bosom she had a light blush on her cheeks. 'it couldn't be that I'm crushing on him again... could it'

(during the sports festival she started falling for our precious cinomanroll when she saw how courageous he was and how he helped todoroki. after that she tried getting closer to him by talking to him which was when she realised she had feelings for him but he was going out with ochaco so she buried her feelings which have now arisen again)

She classed her hands to her cheeks shaking her head whith a bright blush on her cheeks 'no I can't be crushing on him now not whilst his like he is now' but she just couldn't stop thinking about him. She buried her head in her pillow and tried to go to sleep.

Next morning (9:30am)

Momo woke up with her head still buired in her pillow, how she didn't suffocate in the night ill never know, she got up and took a quick shower and then got dreased.

She went down stairs to see that no one else had woken up yet. She was I a rush to see izuku so she didn't have much of a breakfast just some bread with jam/jelly on it before walking to the nurse. She was wearing blue shorts and a white short sleeve shirt.

She got to the nurse and saw izuku sitting up and looking out the window.

"Midoriya" she saiys kind of loudly as she gives him a hug "how are" she askes as she let's him go

Midoriya looks at her kind of surprised before speaking " excuses me but do I know you?"

Momo just looked at him unable to say anything. Izuku just tilted his head a little confused then he squinted his eyes and then said "wait is that you yaoyorozu? " he asked

Momo gave a sigh of relief "don't scare me like that I thought you had forgotten me" she says as she hugs him again.

Izuku huged her back "sorry I just can't see that well right now" he said

"it's ok I'm just glad you're ok" she said as tears started coming down her face

Izuku smiled and hugged her tighter (like the picture at the top)

OK so that's the end of the chapter I know it was cruel to make you think that deku lost him memorie but I don't know what I'm doing so I just do what ever, blame coronavirus

Also I know it's a bit short but Im tired so yeah

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