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It's been two days since izuku woke up and most peaple have recovered from the traumatic experience all except for ochaco, iida and momo.

Ochaco felt like all of this was her fault so was still being traumatised by nightmares almost every night. She was unable to bring herself to talk to any of her fellow classmates and she hadn't eaten in two days.

'it's all my fault, it's all my fault' she said to herself over and over as she cried into her pillow.

Next morning with izuku.

Izuku walked down stairs and noticed no one was there, it did not surprise him as he thought back to what happened last night.

Flash back to last night.

Izuku was walking back to the dorms with his bag full of catch up work for him to do for the day he missed, aizawa shows no mercy. It sucked that he missed his weekend but he really only had himself to blame for that.

'What was I thinking' he thought as he opened the door to the dorms 'that was definitely taking it to far'

He walked into the dorm only to be sofacated by a sea of faces coming to great him.

"Midoriya how are you" asked kirishima

"I thought you were actually gonna die" said mina with a tear poking out of her eyes.

"Glad to see that you're almost back to normal" said iida who tried to hide the fact that he also had tears forming in his eyes.

"Never do that again" said todoroki

Minera was sitting on the couch muttering to himself "lucky Bastard had all the girls woired about him" which got him a deth stare from everyone even kaminari.

"Come on guys give him some space" said momo

Everyone backed away and looked at izuku who stood completely still with tears in his "sorry for worrying you guys" and with that he had a little cry.

Everyone smiled knowing their precious cinnamon roll was back.

After that everyone stayed up late celebrating the fact that izuku had returned.

End of flash back

Izuku looked at his wrist which still hade lots of cut on them, he wanted to do something for everyone to say sorry for what he hade put them through.

He decided that he should cook something for everyone as, he got to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

Half an hour later he was finished and
Momo came down stairs, izuku looked at her and gave her a smile so warm it could have melted anyones heart, she smiled back at him and then looked at the food on the table.

" what's this she" asked pointing to the food.

"Breakfast for everyone" he replied "I wanted to say sorry to everyone for what I did" he then looked at the table "thank you by the way"

Momo looked at him "thank you for what"

He looked back at her "for saving my life obviously"

Momo hade a deep blushed on her face "y-yeah no problem" she said to him 'he's so cute'.

Momo was about to ask Somthing when everyone else came down, she pouted a bit annoyed that she couldn't be left alone with izuku longer.

"Hey midoriya and yaoyorozu" kaminari said to the pair of teens  "what's that smell"

"Breakfast" izuku replied

Everyone looked at the array of food, everyone had drool coming out of their mouths

"yaoyorozu did you make this" jirou asked

"no it was midoriya" momo said still pouting

Everyone looked at him a little shocked "you can cook" was everyones respons.

Izuku rolled his eyes "why are people always shocked when I tell them I can cook" he muttered

No one heard him as they where to busy eating. Izuku looked at his phone to see what time it was 7:41, they hade 19 minutes until they had to go to school.

Izuku looked up and noticed that ochaco wasn't down.

"Hey Kirishima have you seen uraraka" he asked

Kirishima though for a moment "actually now that you mention it I haven't seen her since... You know"

Izuku knew imidiatly that ochaco blamed herself for what he had done, he felt awful. He decided to take a plate full of food up to ochaco room and to talk to her.

He got to the door and knocked "uraraka are you in there"

"come in" ochacos voice could barely be heard.

Izuku opened the door to see ochaco on her bed in her pjs looking in the other direction.

"sorry if I woke you" izuku said

"No I've been awake for a while" ochaco said siting up and turning her head to face him.

When she saw who it was she hung her head in shame. "oh hey iz.. Midoriya"

Izuku walked to her and offered her the plate of food which she graciously accepted, He was about to leave when he heard her cry.

"what's wrong uraraka" his voice full of consern

"Why are you being so nice to me" she asked tears starting to pour down her face "I did something unforgivable and was the reason you almost killed your self" she was crying waterfalls at this point.

Izuku sat next to her on the bed and then hugged her, she was shocked but pleased to know that izuku didn't hate her.

She hugged him back"I'm really sorry please take me back" She said crying into his shoulder.

"I forgive you but I think it's best if we break up"

She looked at him and then nodded "your right it's for the best" she said wiping tears from her eyes.

Izuku stood up "i'll leave you to get ready" he said before leaving

Ochaco smiled before getting ready 'I should have been more persistent about him coming back to me' she thought 'mabey another day'

Izuku got downstairs again, he noticed that everyone was in casual clothes again and where chilling.

"What's going on"

"Mr aizawa came in this morning and said school was cancelled due to teachers being called to a important meeting" momo replied to izuku. Her hair was down and she was sitting on the couch watching something.

Izuku went and changed into Somthing casual, he then sat next to momo which made her blush slightly.

'I should ask him now, no there's to many people around' momo argued with herself.

"Yaoyorozu are you ok your quiet red"
Izuku asked

Momo blushed even more before turning away "I-I'm completely f-fine"
She said stuttering a bit "I just wondered if y-y-you would like to go to the mall with me to do a bit of shopping"

Izuku smiled "I would love to I need somethings any way"

Momo was delighted "I'll go get ready then" she said before running upstairs
'he said yes, he said yes' why she's this exited is a mistory.

This is the end of this chapter
OK so this took me a while to get motivated to do so sorry for being a little bit late but its done now and I hope you enjoy it

Until next time mis compadres

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