The Rivalry Counties

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Both Izuku and Momo walked into the restaurant and were greeted by a friendly looking waiter.

"Hello sir and madam would you like a seat for two or will there be more of you" he said in a soft tone with a friendly smile.

"just two please" Izuku said with a big smile

"Of course, right this way please" the waiter lead them to a a table with two very nice chairs.

"Thank you" Momo said

The waiter gave them both a menu and told them to call him when they were ready to order.

Time skip.

The pair have just ordered and are currently sitting in awkward silence.
"Thank you by the way" Izuku said out of nowhere.

Momo was looked at him confused "thank you for what"

"Well for making sure I was ok when... You know"

Momo did know and she didn't want to think about it "let's change the subject, why did you want to go to the mall today"

This time Izuku was a bit confused "uh, because you asked me"

Momo blushed realising she'd asked a stupid question "Right of course, I asked you" she face palmed, this made izuku laugh a bit. Momo looked up at him with a shy smile "can we forget this ever happend"

"No sorry" izuku said still chuckling

Momo pouted "meany" before chuckling to.

Momo and Izuku laughed and talked until the food hade arrived and they had finished it.

"that was one of the best meals I've had in a while" Izuku said

"I'd say that was just as good as your breakfast this morning" Momo complemented


"No but I can imagine"

Izuku pouted "oh shut up" then they both started chuckling.

Izuku paid and then they walked out and walked back to UA still talking.

"This was fun" Momo said

"Yeah we should do it again" Izuku said with a big smile.

They walked into the dorms luckily few people where in the common area but Jirou was there and when she saw them come in chatting like a couple she smiled.

"Where did you two go for your date?" Jirou asked teasing them. This comment made the pair blush a deep red.

"no no its not like that we just went to go get some shopping, see" Momo responded holding up their shopping bags whilst Izuku had spiral eyes swaying from side to side.

Jirou just smiled "sure what ever you say"

"Shut up" Momo was now frantically trying to change the subject or just get away from the conversation.

Izuku was still swaying when someone shouted.

"Dam deku where have you been" it was Bakugo "did you think I wouldn't notice that you were gone trying to escape me"

Izuku just rolled his eyes "no kacchan I didn't run from you"

Everyone came out there rooms to see what the commotion was and Momo went to sit next to Jirou.

Bakugo smiled "I see you've finally grown some balls ok if you think you're so tough then fight me" Bakugo launched at Izuku.

Everyone started running to Izuku and bakugou but they stopped when Izuku held up his hand telling them to leave it to him.

Izuku just side stepped Bakugos attacks esaly dogging them which majorly pissed Bakugo off.

"stop dogging you dam nerd fight me or the next place you'll see your mother will be at your funeral"

Izuku froze at hearing his mother and funeral as his mind went back to seeing her all bloody. Bakugo saw this and made an explosion go right in Izukus face, izuku didn't see it coming so it hit him straight in the face.

Izuku flew across the floor when he sat up he hade burns, bruises and cut all across his face everyone looked horrified except for Bakugo who smirked.

"What's wrong deku did I hit a soft spot" Bakugo walked closer to Izuku who was still sitting on the floor and was about to hit him when Momo  stepped in front of him.

"Leave him alone" she said with a deadly look in her eyes.

then Iida, Todorok, Kirishima and Jirou stepped in front of izuku and next to Momo all with discussted looks in their eyes, they wher then followed by the rest of the class, except for mineta who was in His room looking at dirty stuff, even Ochaco was there with hatred in her eyes.

"Back off Bakugo"
"don't touch him"
"what kind of hero are you"

Bakugo looked at the class surprised before scowling "your all stupid for protecting such a useless nerd"

This got a lot of people angry but one person in particular was angry, Momo walked up to Bakugo and punched him in the face.

"he's a million times better than you" she said as Bakugo put a hand on his face.

Momo walked back to izuku who was still just looking at the ground.

"Midoriya are you ok? " everyone asked but izuku didn't respond he just looked at the ground a shadow covering his eyes.

Momo knelt in front of him with the rest of class 1-A around him either kneeling down or crouching with concerned looks in their eyes.

"Hey midoriya are you ok? " Momo asked

"She's gone" he said in quite voice

Everyone looked at each other "who's gone?" Momo asked

Izuku started crying "my m-m-mother" Izuku burst into tears and all momo could think of doing was hugging him.

Everyone else looked shocked at what he had said but didn't know what to do, the girls all joined Momo and hugged Izuku, and the boys all went to get medical equipment or a teacher.

Izuku just kept on crying unable to stop himself, Momo ran her hand through his hair to try and comfort him.

'poor Izuku you must be suffering so much and I wish I could help more'

That was an... Intes chapter. Next chapter will be the chapter that they get together I hope.


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