I Love You

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For this chapter I decided to show certain Seens from either Momo or Izukus perspective just because it made more sense

Momos POV

Izuku was standing in a black tuxedo with a black bow tie and he was smiling sweetly at me, my heart was racing as I was unable to believe that I was marring him today.

I walked up to the altar and looked back to see mum crying tears of joy as she smiled at me, I then see my dad who also had o big smile and was nodding his head as to say that he was happy for her and aproved of Izuku.

I look back at Izuku and he lifts the vail covering my face before saying "I do".

I close my eyes and wait for him to kiss me but he doesn't so I open my eyes to find that I'm in my bed room at UA.

No ones POV (8:42)

Momo woke up, she looked around then blushed 'did I just have a dream about marrying Izuku' Momos eyes were twirls and she was the brightest red ever known to man.

After that Momo got dressed, brushed her teeth and walked downstairs to have breakfast, no one else was down stairs as it was still quite early, just as she finished having her breakfast she saw Izuku coming back from his morning workout. Momo had a mischievous look on her face.

Izuku walked in to the dorm only to have someone behind him jump onto his back, almost making him fall, and say "boo"

Izuku knew who it was straight away "Morning Momo" he said smiling.

Momo blushed but then pouted "why didn't that scare you, now I look like an idiot"

Izuku chuckled "sorry that I'm not that easy to scare I'll try harder next time"

Momo turned her back to him still pouting "now your making fun of me"

"aww come on Momo don't be like that, I'm sorry" Izuku said still smiling

"I'll only forgive you if you tell me when we're going" Momo said looking  at him with her pouting face.

Izuku blushed 'so cute' he thought "uh..s-sure dose 2:00 sound good"

Momo stopped pouted and smiled sweetly at Izuku "ok I can't wait"

"Neither can I"

Time skip. (1:40) Momos POV

I was sitting on the couch in the common room, I must have zoned out because the next thing I remember is Jirou waving her hand in front of my face

"Momo, Momo are you ok" she said to me making me look at her.

"yeah sorry Jirou guess I just zoned out for a bit" I said

Jirou smiled at this "thinking about midoriya are we" she asked making fun of me.

I felt my face heat up and knew I was blushing "n-n-n-n-no I wasn't thinking a-a-about him at all" I lied as he was the only thing I was thinking about. I covered my face to try and hide it but it was to late.

"so what is it that has you thinking about our little cinema roll" Jirou asked in a more serious tone.

I lifted my head, still blushing, and looked at the floor "I don't know I guess I really like the way he's always trying his hardest at everything he does, I also like that he's kind and strong and how he never gave up on his dream even though lots of people said he wouldn't make it"

as I say all this I can fell a light smile on my face and when I look over to Jirou I notice that she to is smiling.

"you really like him don't you"

"yes... yes I do"

"when do you plan on telling him how you feel"

I looked away "I don't know I'm just so scared that he won't feel the same"

I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look around to see Jirou smiling at me "he will trust me, I've seen it, he seems alot happier when you're around"

I smile "thanks Jirou" I look at my watch, 10 minutes until me and izuku go out.

'I'm gonna tell him how I feel'

10 minutes later, No one's POV

Izuku and Momo where both now ready to go, Momo was downstairs and Izuku was upstairs preparing himself for what he was gonna do today.

Izuku went downstairs, he saw Momo sitting at the table waiting for him,she had her hair down and was running a hand through her hair.

Izuku walked over to her "you ready to go Momo" he asked holding out his hand to help her up like a true gentleman.

Momo smiled and took his hand "of course"

They left the dorm walking next to each other (not holding hands sadly) and they walked to the gate.

Everyone pretend not to notice but as soon as the pair left the building everyone started talking about them and wonderd what they would get up to.

Momo and Izuku where now walking in the city, Izuku was leading the way and whenever Momo asked where they were going Izuku would just say "I can't tell you it's a surprise"

After about 15 minutes walking they finally got to where they where heading.

"ok we're here" Izuku said, Momo who had been told to close her eyes for the last bit of the walk opened them to see Somthing wonderful.

What she saw was a garden of red and  white roses and many different flowers that looked beautiful and there were butterflys flying everywhere.

Momo looked around stuned "izuku this place its so beautiful" she looked at izuku "but why did you bring me here"

Izuku took a deep breath in and then out "Momo the reason I brought you here is because I have something very important to ask you" he said as he grabbed her hands and held them in his.

Momo blushed "what is it"

"M-momo I know we have only resently started to know e-e-each other but I-I-I feel a strange connection with you so I w-w-want to ask is" izuku paused for a second and then gave momo a great big smile "will you be my girlfriend" Izuku said this last sentence without stuttering.

Momo had tears in her eyes and a big smile on her face she was so happy she couldn't hold herself back, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.

"I would love to be your girlfriend" she said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Izuku smiled as he wiped the tears from her eyes and then he wrapped his arms around her waist and kiss her again but this time for longer and more passionate.

I don't have much to say about this chapter except for the fact that it took a while to make so there are probably some spelling mistakes but I hope you enjoyed it, bye.

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