House Visit

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     Suga laid on top of his bed, curled up in the fetal position. Despite the fact that he had taken medicine for the pain, his head was still pounding. His stomach was doing flips. At least he had stopped vomiting, but his throat was on fire. He barely had the energy to roll over when the door to his room cracked open.

     "Hey Suga," Daichi whispered, poking his head through the door. "Can I come in?"

     "Sure," Suga croaked weakly. His voice still sounded awful. "Thanks for visiting on my deathbed."

     "You're not going to die, Suga."

     "It sure as hell feels like it."

     "Well, you're not. I wouldn't let that happen," Daichi states. He starts pulling things out of the plastic bag he brought with him. "You do look like hell though. I went shopping and got you some stuff." Suga started coughing violently again. Daichi handed him a water bottle. "Drink."

     Suga gratefully downed the water. It felt good on his throat, even if it was only for a second. Then he started coughing again. This time, he came away with blood. He gave Daichi a pointed look. "See, dying."

     "You should really go see a doctor. You and Michi. When she called me last night she couldn't stop coughing." Daichi continues to pull things out of the bag. He got some cough syrup and sleeping pills. "I'm not sure how much cough syrup would do, but it's worth a shot anyway. You look like you haven't slept in days Suga."

     "I haven't. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow," Suga muttered. He felt a pang of jealousy that Michimiya had called Daichi while he was probably dying. It wasn't fair. Other people shouldn't be allowed to do those kinds of things while he was stuck trying to hack out his lungs. "How was the team?"

     Daichi laughed. "Awful. It's near impossible to get anything done without the little gremlins going at it every second of the day. Things are gonna be real interesting when we're not here anymore. I don't think I realized how much I needed you around until you're not there anymore. Does that sound cheesy? Well, it's true."

     Before Suga could say anything, he erupted into another round of aggressive coughing and more blood. He was a little thankful though, he wasn't sure how exactly to respond to Daichi's comment. It sounded good, he liked the fact that he was needed, especially coming from his probable crush. He couldn't tell if his face was heating up or if it was because he was sick. Goddammit, Daichi. Why are you doing this to me? My poor heart can't take any more of this. Suga groaned and rolled over again so he wasn't looking at Daichi anymore. He didn't want to see the look of concern on his face anymore.

     His stomach suddenly lurched and Suga rolled out of bed and tried to quickly shuffle to the bathroom, hands over his mouth. Daichi followed closely behind, still worried. He watched over Suga while he vomited into the toilet. Somewhere in there, he thought he saw something shaped vaguely like a white flower petal, but he wasn't completely sure and Suga didn't even seem to notice.

     "Ahh, bathroom floor, my old friend," Suga moaned. "Ughhhh... I don't want to move." He sat back from the toilet and leaned up against the wall, pulling his knees to his chest. "Shiiiiittttt man, sorry you're seeing me like this." He was still trying to figure out if he was embarrassed or glad to have Daichi there.

     "I'll help you. Here." Daichi crouched down and hooked one of Suga's arms around his shoulder and hefted him up. Suga's head was left spinning by the sudden action. "Damn Suga, you're pretty light."

     "Shut up, I'll kick your ass~"

     "Yeah alright. Here we go." Daichi carefully carried Suga back to his room and set him down on the bed. He opened another cold water bottle for him and handed it to Suga.

     "Ugh... thanks for coming over..." Suga managed. I should probably tell him to leave. I don't want him to get whatever the hell is trying to kill me right now, but I don't want him to go. Ughhhh this sucks. If this doesn't ruin his impression of me, I doubt anything will. Defeated, he lay back on his bed and rolled onto his side so he could still look at Daichi.

     "Do you want me to go?"

     "Not really... but I don't want you catching whatever the hell I've got right now," Suga muttered. "If you want to stay, you're welcome to."

     Daichi didn't know how long he stayed at Suga's bedside, just watching him sleep. He felt like a total creep, but there was something relaxing about looking at the vice-captain that put his mind at ease. Running a team wasn't exactly the easiest, and having Suga there just made everything easier. Occasionally, Suga would mutter something under his breath or start coughing. Watching his face contort in pain made Daichi wince too.

     Eventually, the sun started to set and Daichi decided he needed to go home. Besides, Suga needed to sleep. Hopefully, he would be feeling better by next week. He didn't know how much longer he could take trying to run practice by himself.

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