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     Hanahaki. A super-rare disease that causes flowers to grow in the lungs of the lovesick victim until they suffocate. It can only be cured by surgery or when the object of their affection returns their feelings. For the rest of the day, Suga was distracted. He was dying after all. Well, at least I know now that it's definitely a crush. This is an awful way to find out though. I always joked about how Daichi was killing me, but fuck I didn't mean it literally.

     Finally, classes ended and Suga was freed from his classes. Afternoon practice was something he had been secretly dreading ever since lunch. He opened the door to the clubroom and the first-years were already there. It wasn't unusual for Hinata and Kageyama, but Tsukishima and Yamaguchi too? Something was probably going on.

     "Sugawara-san!" Hinata smiled. "Hey!"

     "Hey, you guys. Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, you're early today." Suga tried for a smile. He wasn't going to worry them with his heath. They needed to be focused on other things. "Is something going on or what?"

     "Tsukki and I agreed to help these two idiots study, so now we're here." Yamaguchi pointed at Hinata and Kageyama.

     "HEY, that's not fair!" Hinata whined.

     "Shut up," Tsukishima muttered.

     "Both of you, stop it. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima have been nice enough to tutor you, so try to be a little more grateful," Suga snapped. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Energetic as always. He changed quickly and broke into another coughing fit, coming away with more white petals and blood. Everyone stared at him in horror.

     Kageyama was the first to finally break the silence. "Sugawara-san, are those flower petals?"

     "Yeah. They are." Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. I can't just pass it off as a joke. That wouldn't be right. I wasn't going to tell them, but here I am. What do I do? What if they tell Daichi? Nothing can be easy anymore, can it? Suga took a deep breath. I'll just try to explain to them what it is and force them to swear on their lives that they won't tell anyone else.

     "Hanahaki disease," Yamaguchi murmured.

     "What? Speak up, I can't hear you," Hinata shouted.

     "I said Hanahaki disease," Yamaguchi said again, a little louder this time. "It's a disease that only infects people with unrequited love. Flowers grow in their lungs until they either suffocate or the person they like returns their feelings. There's also the option of surgery to have the flowers cut out, but that runs the risk of the victim losing all feelings and/or memories of the person they liked. It can also lead to a loss of ability to feel romantic feelings for anyone ever again. It's extremely rare, more than one in a million."

     Suga sighed loudly. "How lucky I must be. How do you know so much about it? I only heard about it a few weeks ago."

     Yamaguchi turned red. "I uh... I was scared I might get it for a while too."

     "Tsukishima, what is unrequited love?" Hinata asked.

     "It means that someone likes a person that doesn't like them back, dumbass."

     "That was a fair question, Tsukki."

     "Who is it?" Kageyama suddenly asked. His brow was furrowed."We can help you with whoever you like. Who is it?"

     "You're being too intrusive, Bakayama!" Hinata huffed. "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to. If there's anything we can do to help, we'll do it. Right guys?" The others nodded.

     Suga wanted to tell someone. Not even his parents knew who he liked. I've already told Michimiya, but that's different. She's in the same boat I am. I'm pretty sure I could trust Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. Only God knows how good Kageyama and Hinata are at keeping their mouths shut. "Fine, but only if you swear on your lives that you don't tell anyone. Not the second-years, not your parents or your siblings or whoever else you talk to. Especially not Daichi. No one. Are we clear?" Everyone nodded. Suga took a deep breath. There was no going back. They're good kids. I'm sure I can trust them. It was just a stupid nightmare. It wasn't real. Come on, just say it! "Fine. I'll say it. It's Daichi."

     Hinata's eyes widened. "Oh Suga-san, that's perfect!"


     "If it's Daichi, then we can just set you two up! It's about time our parents finally got together." Hinata darted towards the door, but Tsukishima grabbed his arm and forcefully yanked him back.

     "What did he just say? To not tell anyone. That anyone includes Daichi, idiot," Tsukishima growled.

     "You don't care that it's a guy?"

     "Why would we care?" Kageyama asked, tilting his head. "It's really not something that should matter."

     Suga sighed. He was mildly reassured that none of his teammates seemed to care that he was gay. See? I was being irrational. "Thanks, guys. If things were really that simple then I would ask for your help, but they're not. You see, there's this girl in class 1, Michimiya Yui. She's got Hanahaki too, and she also likes Daichi."

     "Didn't you say there was surgery, Yamaguchi? Why don't you get the surgery then?" Hinata asked. 

     "Because I don't want to risk losing my memories of him. That's one of the possible things that could come from getting the surgery. I know Michi offered to get the surgery too, but I'd feel guilty taking him from her. Besides, a straight relationship comes with much less baggage than if I started dating the captain." Suga covered his face with his hands. "I shouldn't have told you any of this. You need to be focusing on your studies and getting ready for qualifiers."

     "Well, you help us so much. I think it's fine that you're telling us this. Even senpais need to talk to people sometimes," Hinata piped.

     "You're not going to tell anyone though, right?"


     "Good. Well, I'm sure the others will be coming soon. Let's get practice set up."

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