What Do We Do Now?

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     Monday came far too quickly for Sugawara's liking. He hadn't told anyone about his nightmare. It was just a nightmare. Just a stupid nightmare, Koushi. You know they're your friends. They don't hate you. They wouldn't hate me for something like that. I'm being unreasonable right now. He tried telling himself that it didn't matter, that it was just a dumb, anxiety-fueled nightmare. It didn't help, though. As he approached the school building, he could feel his heart start to pound faster and faster until he thought it was trying to climb out of his throat.

     "Sugawara-san!" Hinata called, running up behind Suga. Kageyama wasn't close behind, wearing his signature glare. "It's so good to see you again!" 

     "Get back here, boke!" Kageyama yelled, charging up to Hinata. He grabbed Hinata's head and roughly fluffed his hair. 

     "Ow! Stop it Bakayama!" Hinata yelled. 

     "Kageyama, stop it," Suga barked. Kageyama immediately let go of Hinata's head. Suga sighed and shook his head. It's too early for this shit. "You two, it's too early to start. Since we don't have practice this morning, why don't you two go for a run around the school or something? Just do something to get all your energy out."

     The two first-years bowed and ran off. Hinata gave one last wave before darting after Kageyama. Suga smiled. They were so energetic, but after a certain point, watching the two just made him tired. At least his hair was already pale enough to pass as grey because he would have gone gray long ago if it wasn't. 

     Suga didn't realize how much he missed being outside his house. He was already feeling much better since Daichi visited him. His cough was still there but to a much lesser degree. There wasn't any blood anymore either. As he rounded the corner, he saw Daichi. His heart jumped into his throat and he swallowed hard. It was impossible to tell if it was because of his nerves or his crush, but he was suddenly feeling extremely cowardly again. 

     "Ah! Suga, it's good to see you!" Daichi waved and smiled. Look at that, he doesn't hate me. But he might if he found out. He wouldn't. Daichi is a good person. He wouldn't let something like that ruin a friendship. "Glad you're feeling well again." 

     "Yeah. I'm feeling a lot better." Suga stared at the ground. He was still embarrassed that he was seen that sick. "I already said it, but I'll say it again, thank you for coming over. Hopefully, I didn't give you anything." 

     "Of course, I'd come over. I know that you hate being alone." Daichi laughed. He reached out and patted Suga's shoulder lightly. "Don't worry about it. Being that sick is awful, so don't be embarrassed. It's my job as your friend to take care of you because you've always taken such good care of me." 

     Friend. Suga winced at the word. It was wrong. He should treasure his friendship with Daichi. He wanted more, but that was selfish. Yet his heart hurt at the idea of staying "just friends" forever. Suga sighed quietly and hoped that Daichi hadn't noticed. Selfish selfish selfish. All I've been thinking about is myself. I have a team to take care of too. Daichi needs me as vice-captain. What I want doesn't matter right now. We have to get ready for the qualifiers. Suga chastised himself. The bell rang again, signaling the time for Suga to part ways with Daichi for the next two periods. 


    "Michimiya, hey." Suga glanced around. He hadn't been able to find Daichi yet, which was strange. He's probably just talking to Asahi or something. Don't overthink it. "This is perfect timing, I was just looking for Daichi. Have you seen him?" 

     "I was just about to ask the same thing!" Michimiya laughed. As if on cue, both of them started hacking and coughing violently, just when Suga thought his cough was getting better. When he pulled his hand away, a white magnolia petal covered in just a little blood sat in the middle of his palm. He glanced at Michimiya, who had a pink petal in hers. 

     "What the fuck..." Suga muttered, staring in awe at the petal in his hand. 

     "Oh my God..." Michimiya gasped. She looked at Suga and saw the petal in his hand. "Oh. My. God." 

     "Holy shit. Well, this is... an unexpected development." Suga was at a loss for words. He already knew what this meant. Hanahaki. Flowers were growing in his lungs. 

     "If you don't mind my asking, who is it?" Michimiya asked before erupting into more violent coughing. She came away with more pink petals in her hand. "They look like the same flower. Magnolia, right?"

     "Uh, I think so." Suga started laughing. It was loud and hysterical and desperate. Of course he had to get the super rare disease that can only infect lovesick people! Of fucking course it had to be when he had a crush on a guy! It just so happened that the guy had to be Daichi. "Holy shit. Of all the diseases to be unlucky enough to get, this is the one?" 

     Michimiya stared at him in concern. "Sugawara, are you alright?" 

     "Yeah, just a bit of laughter in an attempt to lighten up the fact that both of us have gotten a super-rare disease that will kill us if the person we like doesn't return our feelings. The usual comedy," Suga drawled. "You asked me a question before. What was it?"

     "Oh uh... I just asked who it was." Michimya turned red. Then she saw the horrified look on Suga's face. "No no no no no! You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm sorry for asking that was out of line." 

     Suga laughed again. It was the only thing he had to do when faced with the realization that he was going to be dying soon. "Uhm.................... what would you say if it was a... if it was a uh... if it was a guy?" 

     "That doesn't really matter to me. If you're not comfortable with saying who it is, then you don't have to tell me. Just forget I said anything in the first place." 

     "You say first."


     "Well shit." 


     "Would you be mad if I said that I liked him too?" 

     "I'LL GET THE SURGERY!" They both shouted at the same time. 

     "What? Suga, no! You and Daichi are closer than I am with him. It wouldn't be right," Michimiya stumbled over her words. 

     Suga waved his hands frantically. It wouldn't be right to take Daichi from her. "No, Michi, you should have him. Your relationship would come with far fewer problems to deal with. With everything on his shoulders, I don't want to put anything more on him." 

     "But I'd feel bad if I took him from you." 

     "I'd feel bad if I took him from you." 

     Michimiya sighed. "Well, I guess we'll just have to think about it for a while. I'm so torn."

     "Yeah, well that goes for me too. Just tell me before you decide to do something though." 

     "I will. The same goes for you. Promise?"


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