being together

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I sit up and look at him like he is crazy. This was his idea. He can’t be serious. “Ross, this was your idea.” He sits up some with a sigh, “I know, but I miss being able to be with you. I hate sneaking around with you.” I wrap the sheet around me and stare at him, “What are you saying?” He sits up to lean against the pillows, “I think we should get back together. Publically.” I look at him, “What about Austin and Ally?” He runs a hand through his hair and sighs. He looks around then back to my face, “I don’t know Laura. I really don’t know.”  I look at him and see the rings under his eyes and the hurt in his eyes. This has been hurting him more than I thought. It hasn’t been easy for me but I’ve worked with it.

“Ross.” He looks at me, “If you want to go public again, we can. If you are willing to lose Austin and Ally over this, then we can come out tomorrow. If you need to think about it, that is okay too.” He nods, “I don’t know baby. I just don’t.” I nod and get a sickness that comes over me. “Laura? Are you okay?” I nod and lay down, “Not feeling good. It hits me at night. I went to the doctor and they told me it is probably the move.” Ross nods and lay down next to me and wraps his arms around me. “We can figure this all out tomorrow.” I nod and feel his lips kiss my head before sleep takes over.

I wake up feeling better. Really hungry, but better.  I sneak out of bed and head towards the kitchen to start breakfast. I decide to make pancakes and bacon. I am finishing the pancakes when I feel arms wrap around me from behind. “This smells amazing.” He kisses my shoulder blade, “Is it almost done?” I nod and take the last of the bacon out and turn the stove off. Turning to kiss him I kiss him, “Let’s eat.” He laughs and grabs the pancakes as I grab the bacon and we walk to my little table and start making our plates.

I am on my third pancake when Ross starts laughing at me, “What?” He shakes his head, “Nothing.” I look at him again before finishing my breakfast. I finish and take my plate to the dishwasher. Ross is behind me with his plate. We close the dishwasher and he puts his hands on my waist. “So what are we going to do today?” I shrug, “I don’t know.” He smirks that famous smirk and leans in kissing me. “I have an idea.” I giggle and push him away. “I have to go get a dress for the award ceremony.” He sighs and leans on me, “I can’t help with that.” He smirks again, “But I can help with something else.” I smile and push him away, “Sorry babe, the ceremony is in two days and I don’t have a dress.” He sighs, “I guess I could go with you and if anything is said, I am helping.” I smile and lean up kissing him. “Sounds good.”

I walk away and I hear him, “Where are you going?” I turn over my shoulder with a smirk, “Shower.” I see his face light up, “Can I join?” I shake my head and smile, “If you hurry.” His smiles widens and he comes running my way before picking me up and taking off to my bathroom.

Taking a longer shower than needed, we finally make it out and start to get dressed. I dry off and grab my bra and put it on along with my underwear. I walk to my closet and am looking at my clothes when I feel hands go around my body. I feel Ross’s face go to my shoulder and I laugh, “This is not getting dressed.” He mumbles, “I don’t care. I like this more.” I laugh and turn in his arms, “Baby, I have to get a dress then it can be just the two of us alone all day.” He smiles wide and kisses me, “Okay hurry up. I want as much time with you as possible.” Shaking my head I decide on a maxi dress. I slip it on and put on a pair of Egyptian sandals.  I leave my hair down in soft waves. I walk over to my makeup and put on soft eye shadow and eye liner. I apply lip gloss and walk out to the kitchen to feed my cat.

Ross wraps his arms around me again, “Ready to go?” I nod and he grabs my hand and pulls me to the door. I walk out with him and then I stop. “Wait.” He stops and turns back to me. “Ross, we cant walk down together. We will get noticed.” He nods and kisses me quickly. I will go down and text me in three minutes and I will check my phone and then stay claiming my co-worker asked if I would help and she lives here.” I nod and kiss him as he gets on the elevator.

I wait three minutes then text him a smiley face. He text back and smiley face sticking out his tongue. I get on the elevator and ride it down hoping everything goes smoothly.  I get off the elevator and see Randy first. He smiles wide, “Hi Laura.” I smile, “Hi Randy.” He leans against the counter flirting. I turn and see Ross. “Oh, you’re here already. Great, let’s go.” I turn back to Randy, “Bye Randy.” I walk ahead of Ross and he follows. I get in his car and get ready for the ride but he doesn’t do anything. “Ross?” He looks at me, “I don’t like him. He flirts to much.” I laugh. “Ross, I don’t have any interest in Randy.” He looks at me, “Well I still don’t like him.” He mumbles and then backs the car out and heads toward a store I go to a lot.

We park the car and walk into the store. No one is here but the workers. I smile and walk to the dresses. I see a pretty red strapless sweet heart neckline dress. I then see a beautiful dark blue strapless low cut dress. I then see a short white dress. I look between them and decide to try all three on. I grab them and walk to the dressing room. I try the red one first and it looks amazing on. It has a slit up the side and I wonder how well that would go. I would have to be so careful. I take it off and try the short white one. It is pretty and I love it but I don’t think this is a dress for an award ceremony. Lastly I try the blue dress on. It comes floor length and hugs my body in all the right places and enhances what it is suppose to. It has a small slit to accommodate for walking. I am smiling in the dress and know this is the one. I get dressed in my own clothes. I put the others back on their hangers and grab all three. Walking out I put the two dresses I don’t want back and walk towards the cash register. I pay for the dress and turn to Ross who is looking at dresses and laugh, “Ross?” He turns to me, “I am ready.” He comes over confused. “You already have a dress?” I nod and he shakes his head, “Wow, Rydel normally takes forever. This was quick.” I laugh and bump him, “Come on.”

We walk back to his car and I put the dress in the back before getting in. He gets in and starts the drive back to my apartment. We get out and Ross grabs my dress. We walking into my building and I smile at Randy. “He is going to hang out with me before he goes home. It’s okay.” Randy nods and we walk to the elevator and up to my apartment. I am greeted by Fluffy which makes me smile, “Hey sweetie.” I pet her head and walk farther into the house. I turn and grab my dress and take it into my room before coming back out and laying on the couch. Ross comes over and looks at me, “You okay?” I nod with a yawn, “Tired.” I put my arm out and he smiles and picks me up and takes me to my room where he puts me on the bed then gets in the bed and cuddles with me. He kisses me and whispers, “I think we should go public again.” I turn sleepily to him, “You do?” He nods, “I hate sneaking around and making excuses. I don’t want to do this no more. I miss you and miss holding and kissing you. If we lose Austin and Ally, so be it. You are more important to me than anything.” I smile sleepily at him. “Okay baby.” He kisses me quickly, “Get some sleep baby.” I nod and feel my eyes close. Deep inside under the tiredness I am ecstatic, I get my Ross back.

Sorry it took awhile. I got the flu and have been down bad. I am still sick and down but I am trying to update all of my stories. I have finals that snuck up on me. My math final is Saturday and then I have three more due next week. After that I am free for a month and plan to write a lot.
Hope you liked the chapter anyway.
Please review.

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