District 7

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"This beautiful district is lush with trees, from which these citizens supply our lumber and paper. The people of District 7 are hardworking and down-to-earth."

Female Tribute: Taken by @Beau4d 

Female Tribute: Taken by @Beau4d 

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Name: Irina Catesby

Age: 16

District: 10

Gender: female

Sexuality: bi

Face claim: Alexandra Daddario 

Clothes: (district) a stormy grey tunic, midnight blue leggings/dark blue shorts if it's hot,and black boots, a tan braided belt.

Clothes: (capital) a sleeveless stormy grey flowing vest top, dark blue shorts, a silver weapons belt, dark blue running shoes.

Personality: fierce, protective, strong willed, determined, intelligent, doesn't trust easily.

Skills: hand to hand combat, she's very good with animals, parkour

Strengths: determination, hand to hand combat, resilient

Weaknesses: not trusting other people easily (can be a strength and a weakness), is sometimes too stubborn, isn't good at sprinting, has never learned how to properly use weapons well.

Likes: parkour, animals, running, being inconspicuous 

Dislikes: anyone who harms her fairly few good friends, bullies, being the centre of attention, being laughed at

Hobbies: running, practising gymnastics in any spare time (she isn't very good, but can do basic things like handsprings, handstands, cartwheels And front flips), baking if she has time

Family: her mother (Leah) died giving birth to her and her father (James),she's an only childBackstory: her father is abusive and blames her for her mother's death. She spent most of her time alone growing up.

Preferred weapon: her hands, but she'd really like a rope

Fight behaviour: surprise attack, is very fast and has a tendency to talk and insult her opponent while she fights which is extremely off putting.

Alliances: it depends on who she meets and how she meets them.

Male Tribute: Taken by yeetsdeets

Name: ash or plauge due to the time he was born there was a plauge of illness in the tree next to his spot of birth

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Name: ash or plauge due to the time he was born there was a plauge of illness in the tree next to his spot of birth

Age: 18 

District: 7 lumber 

Gender: male 

Sexuality: gay he got a boy back home 

Clothes: generally he wears a simple pair of jeans a shirt and his axe belt he also acquired a hoodie from someone close to him hashtag boyfriend 

Clothes capitol: he would wear instead of a suit his washed blue hoodie and some sports shorts and black slippers claiming that he couldnt get out of these comfortable clothes it would also add to his lazy illusion 

Personality: he acts incredibly lazy yet has been prepping to offer himself as tribute for years crafting training weapons out of scrap and hiding them getting permission from the leader of that district to do it ,he might be dating the leaders son (district never explored dont at me) but that gives him no advantage he has trained for this all his life but never shows it acting VERY LAZY making puns and using his charisma to get him forward in life

Skills: understanding of most trees and weapons , charisma , sleeping , telling puns , hiding 

Strengths: knows what to expect, is heavily distrustful, always has a plan , axes , surprise 

Weaknesses: will get alot of heat early game , can flop if he doesn't get withing melee range , tendency to joke 

Likes: food , bad puns , leeping in shape , plotting , friends 

Dislikes: not getting the last laugh , his plans failing , being without a plan Hobbies: training sleeping telling bad puns Face claim: solair of Astora(DS1) 

Family: father: oak , sister: birch 

Backstory: yeah no 

Perfered weapon: fists or axe 

Fight behaviour: he would make the enemies think he is an easy target then dodge or counter attack before dispatching them then looting there stuff 

Would the character form an alliance: yes he would be the medic

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